"Sadie, where's Jasmine?" I asked.

"She swallowed back tears and ran upstairs not too long after you and Maura went into the kitchen. She thinks Maura doesn't like her."

My mom gasped and I shot up the stairs. I burst through our bedroom door to find Jasmine crying on the bed.

"Princess!" I said rushing over to her.

"She doesn't like me does she?" She sobbed into my chest.

"The complete opposite." I said. "Listen to this." I pulled my phone out and played the recording for her.

I kept my arms wrapped around her watching her face as she listened to mine and mom's conversation.

She sighed as it ended. "Now I feel like an idiot." 

I laughed brushing the rest of the tears from her eyes.

"Don't. I can understand why you thought mom didn't like you. But she does. Come on let's go back downstairs."

I intertwined our fingers and we walked down. Mom ran to her immediatly.

"Oh Honey I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to make you feel like I didn't like you." She pulled her away from me and into a hug.

"It's okay Mrs. Horan. I guess I overreacted."

"No you didn't. I probably would have reacted the same way. And please call me Maura."

Jasmine Smiled at her. "Okay." 

The whole time my dad and Greg were just standing there. 

"Well Niall how did you get this little beauty?" Greg asked.

I rolled my eyes and Jasmine blushed.

"What do you mean 'how' Greg?"

"Well look at you and then look at her."

Jasmine's jaw dropped. "Excuse me but did you just imply that Niall's ugly?" She asked her hazel eyes now gone coal black.

Greg looked back at her with a grin.

"Maybe so. Why?"

"Greg don't goad her! She has a very serious problem with people saying something bad about me." I said before Jasmine could explode.

"Oh Niall Come on! You know that's how I play!" 

"Yes but she doesn't. Well I guess she does now."

Jasmine suddenly laughed. "I like you Greg. You remind me of my brother."

He smiled at her and me. "See Niall? Stop being so protective of her."

I laughed at him. "Wasn't protecting her. Was protecting you." 

Jasmine let out a loud laugh causing Sadie to laugh at her. The entire room exploded into laughter at Greg's face.

He shook his head and pulled me into a hug. "Missed you Nialler."

"Missed you too Greg."

The door swung open and two girls came rushing in. "LIAM!" They both shouted pouncing on him causing all three to fall. 

*Liam's POV*

"LIAM!" Screamed Ruth and Nicola pouncing on me causing us to fall. I started laughing. 

"Hi girls."

"CheeseHead we missed you!" Ruth shouted in my ear.

I blushed as Sadie laughed. "CheeseHead?" She asked between giggles.

"Ruth! Did you hafta call me cheesehead?!" I whined.

Sadie grabbed my hand helping me off the floor.

"Oh Is this Sadie?!" Nicola asked excitedly.

"I bet she is! Oh she's so pretty!" Ruth shouted running to her.

She was knocked over and she let out a surprised squeak.

"Ruth! Nicola! Get off of her!"

Sadie began laughing. "Lee-yum are these your sisters?"

I sighed pulling her off the floor.

"Yes. And I'm sorry about them. You'd think they'd behave themselves since they're my older sisters."

"Hey!" They protested.

"Lee-yum be nice. I like them. Their like sisters I've never had."

"Hey!" Jasmine protested from her spot in Niall's lap.

"Jasmine you know what I mean." Sadie said and they shared a knowing look. I reconize the look as it's one Niall and I share alot. They're so close it's a bond of friends. But not really friends but for them more like sisters.

We sat around talking for a couple hours then we all went to bed. 

The next morning I was woken up by the sounds of cooing.

"Awwww they just look so cute together!" 

"Shhh Nicki you'll wake them up!"

I groaned and opened my eyes. "Why the bloody hell are you in our room?" I asked. Sadie shifted slightly buring her head into my chest.

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