Hiding her face behind her phone,she snapped a picture of her reflection.Checking to see if the taken picture is appropriate or not before sending it to a recent message in her contacts,putting her phone down once she had finally sent the picture.

Hinari walked towards her dresser,carefully picking up the white mask that sat in front of her,looking at it's black eyes with a blank face."....."Hinari turned to the mirror,taking one last look of her face before putting on the mask,pushing her bangs back and strapping the mask on the back of her head.

Finally,her look was complete.She is now...Hinari Wakui.There she stood,wearing her UA uniform,with pale bluish green blazer and moss green skirt,her name tag stitched on the left side of her chest.


It said,embroided elegantly and gracefully,such a fine piece it was.

"Hinari!Time to go!"the girl silently hummed,looking at the clock on her nightstand before grabbing her bag.Taking her phone off of it's charger before storming out of her room,leaving her other phone that laid on her dresser beside the full-body mirror.

It dinged,the screen lighting up as notification appeared on the screen,signifying that Hinari had received a message.

Young Master
i'm coming to ua later
be ready

The screen stayed lit up for a few moments before it died down,just in time for Hinari to come back in and grab the forgotten phone.

"Bus' gonna leave in a few minutes,let's go!"she rushed down the hall and to the stairs,joining her siblings as they walked out of the front door,locking the gates and walking towards the bus station.

Ready for today's school lesson.


UA Academy,Main Gates
8:30 am

"How is All Might as a teacher?!"

Reports flogged the gates of UA,wanting to get a scoop of All Might teaching the 1st years of the Hero Course as students attempts to sneak inside without getting questioned.

There's Midoriya...

"What kind of lessons does All Might teach?!"



"Lend us some of your thoughts of the 'Symbol of Peace' standing before you at the podium of education?!"



"What do you think of All as a Teacher?!"

"It redoubles my awareness of the fact that I'm enrolled where I can reap my rewards..."


"What do you think of All- Wait,are you that kid from the Sludge Villain incident?!"

"Drop it."

Until Aizawa came and asked them to leave.

"Give us some insight of All- Oh,who is this hobo?!"

"The man is off-duty now,you interfering with our lessons here so kindly vacate the premises,please."

Poor Aizawa didn't take offense on the statement,though.He does admit he looks like a homeless man,but he doesn't care.As long as he can sleep,then he's fine.

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