Chapter IV

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3rd POV (UA Academy,Ground Beta) A little while earlier...

Hinari sat legs-crossed on the bomb,her arms crossed as she waited for the go signal,the pair of tendrils on her back swishing bakc and forth like a cat's tail.

She sat there,waiting for her siblings to come.She waited...and waited...


The muffled thump from below made her look down,listening quietly to her surroundings."....."huffing silently,Hinari hopped down off of the bomb,the sound of her boots making a soft thud the cemented floor.

"....."with her tendrils retreating back in her back,she walked into the shadows,disappearing from sight.


Using his quirk,Zendo made a three clones of himself,ordering them to scout the whole building as he and Rimoto both waited in the ground floor.

Rimoto knelt on the floor,hands on the ground below her as she listened for any vibrations.Her eyes shut close as she dwelved deeper into thr building's core,her heart beating rhythmically with the wind.

"I found the bomb."she whispered,loud enough for the male to hear;"Where?"he asked,turning to his sister."The bomb's in the highest floor,unguarded."

"What about Hinari?"

"I can't find her,I think she went stealth."

"Shit."Zendo cursed,teeth gritted as he contacted his clone with his mind,telling them to be cautious."I'm gonna go get to the bomb,you stay here."feeling worried and concerned,Rimoto opened her mouth;"That's an order."

Closing them shut once Zendo looked at her sternly;"I'll be right back,just stay here and be quiet."and with that,Zendo walked away,leaving the brunette alone."Be safe..."she muttered,watching as the male disappeared from her sight,sighing worriedly.

'Where are you,Hinari...?'


Zendo walked down the empty halls of the buildings,looking around cautiously as he marched down the long corridor with silent footsteps.

His hazel brown eyes darting around every corner;"Where are you..."muttering underneath his breath as he looked around,failling to notice the tendril following behind his feet.


Until it latched unto his ankle.


Pulling him into the shadows.



Rimoto flinched at the scream,her eyes going wide as she turned to where the scream came from,sweat dripping down her face.

"N-Nii-chan...?"warily,she stood up.Hands to her chest as she approached the dark hallway;"Nii-chan!"calling out to her brother once more as she stared at the darkest end of the hall.

It was silent for a moment,her ragged breathing and fast beating heart being the only thing she can hear at the moment.Rimoto felt like the protagonist of a horror movie,about to be jumpscared by a ghost or a serial killer.

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