"I don't know." Ebony replies, honestly.

"Come on, there must be something."

"From where the interest?" She asks, chuckling.

"Because from the moment George and I told you we were going to open a joke shop, you were supportive. I want to be supportive too." 

"But you are." Ebony says. "I'm just not sure yet." 

"Not one thing that calls for you?" Fred asks.

"I'm scared."

"For what?" 

"The future." Ebony breathes out. "What if I don't find it, what I wanna do?" She asks, feeling a bit overwhelmed. "What if I'm the only one who can't make a decision." 

"You don't have to know right away." Fred assures her, he strokes her arms with his big hands. "We have time, you could live a lifetime and still not be sure. That's okay." 

"I hate you." She mumbles. "And your wise words." Fred laughs.

"What can I say? I'm amazing." 

"Shut up and kiss me."

"What's the magic word?" Fred asks.

"Kiss me?" 

"Close enough." Fred breathes out and leans down to connect their lips. 


THE DAY OF ANOTHER HOGSMEADE TRIP. February 14th. It was Hogwarts's tradition to send their students down to the small village for Valentines day so everyone could do something with the ones they loved. 

Of course, Ebony was asked by none other than Fred Weasley to go down together. The weird thing is, they always do. Usually they just judge sappy couples together but now it's real. It's a real date on Valentines day. Ebony never thought she'd lived the day this would happen.

"I suggest we go to the three broomsticks for a drink and then check out some shops." Fred says, as they walk together through the village while holding hands. "What do you think, love?"

"Great idea, I'm thirsty." 

Surprisingly, there is music playing in the pub. It's pretty unusual, especially considering all the songs are love songs. Ebony didn't mind however, at least now she has a date to not get bothered by some sappy romantic music. 

They get some butterbeers and sit down in a booth in a corner. There's many people around who are all talking and enjoying each other's company. Ebony rests her head on her boyfriend's shoulder as she watches these people. 

"It was in our fifth year." Fred suddenly says. Ebony frowns and looks at him confusedly. "When I first noticed I liked you." Ebony doesn't reply, so he goes on. "You were looking at a bunch of socks, the smile on your face was  so cute. I remember thinking 'I'd wanna be the one to make you that happy'. It was the first time I realized that maybe, I liked you more than just friends." 

Ebony smiles softly. She remembers how that was on Valentine's day last year. If he had told her that information back then, she would've rejected him because at the time she didn't feel the same at all. At least, she guesses. Maybe she did but she just pushed it down. 

"When you took care of my bruised wrist during Snape's detention this year." Ebony states, smiling softly. "When you said that you don't like seeing me in pain." 

"I stand by that statement." Fred replies, smiling back at her. 

"I know. I don't know why but. . . it got to me."

"Good thing it did." He looks around and stands up. "Let's get around, shall we?" Ebony takes his hand and walks through the door with him. 

"Oh, look! Couples discount." Ebony says, pointing at the signs. 

"At least this year. . ." Fred says, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. "We don't have to fake it." 

They walk through the doors of Honeydukes and look around at the many different flavoured candies. Ebony always feels at home inside the beautiful shop, maybe because it smells like her nicest dreams. She takes some things from the shelves and examines them carefully. 

"We should make some sort of love-potion for our own shop." She hears Fred say to himself. "It would definitely sell good."

"Is it clever, messing with someone's emotions like that?"

"We'll make sure it works out fast enough. It's just a little push into someone's back." Fred explains, looking at her.

They leave the shop with a bunch of different candies, just like last year, they had gotten the discount as the woman was sure they never faked it in the first place. It was pretty funny to be honest. 

"Why does it still smell like chocolate even after we left Honeydukes--" Ebony raises her foot and shows the socks Fred had given her last year on Valentine's day. The ginger smiles at her. "Oh, that's why." Ebony giggles.

"I told you I loved them." 


Written: 27/04/2023

Word Count: 1331

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