Then Professor McGonagall's voice calls, "Champions over here, please!"

Ebony still hadn't seen a sign of Fred. She looks around again, keeping her eyes wide open to make sure she wouldn't miss a tall ginger pass. It's when she hears a loud yell that she looks over to where George, Lee and Fred are standing.

Both Fred and George are dressed in identical dark red suits which suit them very well. Lee is wearing a normal black suit as many others. Ebony looks at Fred, silently checking him out. 

He has a big goofy smile on his face, his hair is kind of messy and a curl falls directly over one of his eyes. He talks with George about something funnily, he has his right hand in the pocket of his trousers while he explains something with his left. He is really pretty.

When Fred scans the room again, his gaze falls on Ebony and her angel-like presents. George's words pass through his ears but he can't hear his brother anymore. His brown eyes look her up and down, he smiles softly at the sight of the nervous looking girl. 

He strides over, his usual confident walk has turned into a hasty one. As if Fred was in a hurry to get to her in time. He stops in front of her, Ebony looks up at the sight of him. Both their faces have complementary smiles on them.


"Hi." Ebony replies. The two chuckle at the sudden awkwardness. 

"Want to go inside?" Fred asks, holding his hand out for her to take. Ebony nods and places hers in his, they walk inside the Great Hall where many people are already sitting together while they wait for the ball to begin. 

Ebony quickly realizes that George has indeed gone to the ball with Angelina Johnson but the girl next to Lee is someone she hasn't seen before or at least, not paid much attention to. She frowns at the sight.

"Who is that girl next to Lee?" She asks, softly. 

"Megan Jones." Fred replies, looking over as well. "She is a Hufflepuff student in Harry's year, I believe." Ebony hums, glad Lee found a date to go with. "You look very pretty, by the way." She chuckles. "Where'd you get the dress?"

"Sirius." Ebony replies, smiling up at him. "He sent it to me at the beginning of the year. He said it was my mum's." 

"It suits you really well." The two sit down at one of the tables and wait for the Champions.

Once everyone else is settled in the Hall, Professor McGonagall tells the champions and their partners to get in line in pairs, and follow her. They do so, and everyone in the Great Hall applauds as they enter and start walking up towards a large round table at the top of the Hall, where the judges are sitting.

The walls of the Hall have all been covered in sparkling silver frost, with hundreds of garlands of mistletoe and ivy crossing the starry black ceiling. The house tables have vanished; instead, there are about a hundred smaller, lantern-lit ones, each seating about a dozen people.

Dumbledore smiles happily as the champions approach the top table but Karkaroff wears an expression remarkably like Draco's as he watches Harry walk forward. Ludo Bagman, tonight in robes of bright purple with large yellow stars, is clapping as enthusiastically as any of the students; and Madame Maxime, who has changed her usual uniform of black satin for a flowing gown of lavender silk, is applauding them politely. But Mr Crouch, isn't even there. The fifth seat at the table is occupied by Percy Weasley.

When Fred notices his older brother sit at the table of the judges, he bursts out laughing and turns around to try and hide it. Ebony sees George have the same reaction as her own date. Angelina rolls her eyes to which the raven-haired girl grins. 

Towers - Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now