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Namjoon : What do you mean by leaving?

YN : My uncle fixed my engagement.... he said my parents wanted that marriage to happen so
Namjoon : Marriage? You said you'll never get married cause it's gross

YN : My life is already gross, so how worse it can be?

Namjoon : You can't marry someone  else..

YN : Why? You want me to stay single for my whole life and fight with you?
Don't be childish Namjoon😑

Namjoon : Stop!
*He grabbed my hand*

Namjoon : Don't leave, we have a lot of things to do, let's go,

YN : But wher-

Namjoon : Just come

*He pulled me in a dress shop, what the hell is he doing?*

Namjoon : I want you to wear something special on prom..

YN : But namj-

Namjoon : Wait.. Excuse me, Can we see the best collection of yours..

Staff : Yess sir sure, come this way

YN : Namjoon....

Namjoon : Shh.. and let's go...


*He bought me a dress and carrying that bag by his own. I don't know why is he doing this? I'm feeling so nervous and awkward.... I fought with you all the time so that I can avoid this awkwardness...I take a glance at him when he's busy eating his icecream*

I take a glance at him when he's busy eating his icecream*

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Namjoon : YN eat your icecream or it'll melt....

*I looked away and started eating mine.. What's this? Was it a date? We went to cafe, shopping, even he bought me icecream and we're now walking in an empty street like this when he's carrying my dress bag

At a distance Namjoon stopped and looked at the night sky. I stopped beside him keeping a safe distance. He's looking at the sky and sighing deeply.. I slowly walked closer to him when I saw his tears,😟 Why is he crying??*

YN : Namjo-

Namjoon : Don't say anything YN, just stay silent after all I have to bear your silence for the rest of my life. You'll leave me, You'll get married to someone else..

I should feel happy right? That finally I don't have to see you, I can start my day happily, finish my day happily, no one will be there to disturb me with her loud Music.. No one fights with me....*

*I'm all silent.😓..*

Namjoon : But I can't feel happiness.. I'll miss you, I'm already Missing you YN, I'm Missing that YN who always had fun in everything, who fights with me all the time, who plays AgustD's Rap in the early morning.....

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