"Bet, take off your pants and bend over the couch" he demands as I do as he says. I bend over the couch and felt Dave spread my legs wider exposing more of my pussy. He rubs two fingers up and down my fold making me extremely wet. He gets down on his knees doing the same with his tongue making me let out a small moan. "Mmm fuck" I moan lowly. He continues teasing me and just before he was about to go all in his phone rings. I look over at him seeing him get up answer the phone. "Yeah my bad, see you soon" he says and end the phone call. 

"I gotta go baby" he says helping me up. "Can't you finish me off?" I ask as she shakes his head grabbing his wallet, phone and keys. "Can't, see you later" he says kissing me before walking off. Before he enters the elevator he stops in his tracks. "Oh and I'm about to send you some money so you can go shopping" he says making me smile. "Thank you daddy" I say before he gets in the elevator and disappears behind the doors. I text Nia asking if she wanted to go shopping with me and Messiah and bring along Nas and she agreed. 

I pick up my pants a take myself to shower and get ready. Once I got out, I lotion up my body and slip on a quick sundress as it was hot. I put my natural curly hair into a slick back ponytail. I slipped on some cute slides as well. I put on my ring and some more accessories before spraying myself with some perfume and gathering up the baby bag. Just on cue I heard Messiah start to whine meaning he was waking up. I went to his room picking him up and planting kisses all over his chubby little face. "We are going to go see aunty Nia" I say caressing his cheek as he gives a look as if he doesn't care. I chuckle to my self get everything situated before making my way down to the garage. 

I put Messiah's carrier in the back before kissing his nose and shutting his door and making my way to the drivers seat. I still can't believe Dave bought me this, it makes me smile every time I drive. 

We picked up Nia before making our way to the Mall. I placed Messiah in his stroller while Nia held Nasir's hand. He was now two years old and full of energy, I know Nia's back be hurting cause of all the running she have to do with this little boy.

We shopped around looking a different things, a few thing caught my eye but not to the extent where I wanted to own it, instead I spent most of the money Dave sent me on Messiah. I can't help it, i'm such a mom. He so spoilt and he don't even be asking for none of this shit. 

"Girl Dave gave you all that money but yet you ain't spent a dime on yourself" Nia said as I shrugged. "Let's go look for something for you, cause I know Dave gon be mad if you don't buy shit for yourself" she said making me laugh because thats exactly what would happen. We made our way to my favourite store, Chanel. We looked around until I found a handbag that I really liked. Next we hit up the Dior store and I bought some more stuff for myself and a sweater for Dave. we continued shopping as I also quickly ran into a lingerie shop while Nia stayed with Messiah and Nas. I wanted to get a lil something for David to see me in. 

"Finally girl, you took your time" she says holding Messiah as he was now out of his stroller. "He was crying for his Momma" she said passing him to me and his crying came to a stop making me and Nia crack up. My baby is such a Mama's boy. 

"Sorry girl, I just had to make sure I got the perfect pieces for David to see me in, i'm finally getting my body together" I say as Nia smacks my ass. "You sure are girl" she says winking at me making me roll my eyes playfully. 

After we finished shopping we went to a nice restaurant cause we was both hungry as fuck and it was past lunch time. "Girl you heard anything from Chantel lately?" Nia asked me as the waiter walked away. "No, I haven't spoke to that girl in months" I said. "I tried calling her and texting her but she acting weird" I added. "Maybe it's cause we both moms now and she still want to live that young life" Nia suggested as I shrugged. "Maybe, but I miss her, I miss us, I miss the way we were all so close" I say as Nia agreed. "We were literally inseparable, I wish we were still like that" Nia said making me think back to our childhood and all our good memories. "The last I saw her in real life was at Andre's funeral, I smiled and waved at her but she looked the other way, like I wasn't standing there" I said. 

"Damn, well I still got love for her, I'm just glad that you and me are still close, cause I'm starting to loose my damn mind. All the friends I used to have just disappeared, I get I am a mom now but I just thought I was closer with some of them" Nia said as I agreed. "We need more mommy friends" I say as Nia agreed. "I tried to make friends with the moms at Nas day care but they all so judgemental that I had a baby 'so young'" Nia said mocking them and rolling her eyes making me laugh. "Girl fuck them, you a bad bitch" I say. "Period" Nia says making us both laugh.

Once we got done eating, I dropped Nia back at her place before getting back home safe. I got Messiah out the car getting him in the stroller as well as getting all the shopping bags from the trunk. "Majority of this is for you stink" I tell Messiah as he puts both his hands into a rock shape and puts it in his mouth slobbering on his hands while looking up at me with big eyes. "Mhm you're so spoilt already" I say as he takes his hands out his mouth and kicks his legs excitedly making me laugh. 

I made it back to the penthouse putting all the bags in the living room and then getting Messiah out the stroller. "Tummy time" I say to Messiah as he coos. I get out his baby mat and put it in his pen before laying him on his stomach. I then make my way over to the kitchen to start on Dinner. 

I was almost done with dinner. I bent down to get the chicken out the oven and placed it on the stove top. I closed the oven door looking over the chicken before I felt David's huge arm wrap around my waist scaring the shit out of me. 

"What you scared for?" he asked after I screamed, I looked back at him and he had huge smile his face. "When did you get back" I say turning around getting on my tip toes and wrapping my arm around his neck. "Just now, you ain't hear me?" he asked me. "No". I say as he placed a kiss on my lips. "I missed you" I say feeling him rubbing my butt. "A nigga missed you too" he said kissing my neck. "Damn ma all this ass" he says grabbing a handful of my ass and squeezing it making me giggle. "Mhm, what you gon do with it?" I say as he looks at me with wide eyes. "I-" Dave was cut off by Messiah crying. He put his face in the crook of my neck groaning in frustration making me laugh.

 I quickly made my way to Messiah and picked him up and his crying came to an immediate stop. "Lil nigga you ain't even crying with yo fake ass tears" Dave said making me roll my eyes as Messiah just mugged him making me smile. "Tell daddy leave me alone" I say to Messiah as he just continues to mug David making us both crack up laughing. I give Messiah to Dave so I could plate up our dinner. 

I made Dave and I's plate bringing it over to him placing his plate infront of him and placing mine down too. "Looks good ma" Dave says slapping my ass as I walked away. I got a bottle of wine and a wine glass for Dave, while getting myself a red bull. I poured the wine into the wine glass placing it on the table as Messiah tried to reach for it. "Uh uh thats for dada" Dave says as Messiah looks back at him furrowing his eyebrows. He tried reaching for it again as Dave moved it out the way. "Ain't I just tell you this for me?" he said with some more base in his voice. Messiah looked back at him again and then looked over at me before bursting out crying. "Aww my baby" I say picking him up and patting his back. "Daddy so mean" I say looking at Dave laughing. I placed him in the high chair so me and Dave could eat without having to hold him. 

"So how was your meeting bae?" I ask Dave, "Good, we just had to plan my album roll out and some of the music video ideas, then I went to the studio to finish off some songs" he informed me. I tell him about my day and we continue to talk about everything and anything, we got so caught up in our conversation that Messiah fell asleep in his high chair, but I still needed to breast feed him. When me and Dave start talking it's like everything else doesn't matter and it's just us. I love this man with all my heart. 


How did y'all like this chapter? I just wanted to give y'all a few cute chapters before we get into some shit. Make sure y'all continue to show support and ill see y'all in the next chapter <3

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