Chapter 1 : move in day

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Paris/ pov

Moving to New York at the end of the summer is a stretch because like it's New York, it's nothing like California. Way far off from California even the damn time zone. The only reason I'm here in New York is because my mom wanted a fresh start, she wanted her name to be clear of everything, she had a whole lot of stuff going on back in California. She wanted my little sisters to have a fresh start as well, well one of them my baby sister she's the problem child. She's spoiled and just think the world revolves around her, I'm pretty sure every spoiled girl does but she is a hot mess. She was in some bad business back in California, especially with the females it was all sorts of crazy. I literally almost had to fight everyday because of the bitches that wanted to jump her over niggas it was insane! My baby sister Ivanah is hothead who need anger fucking management, now we for my middle sis Saniya she's a sweet heart. She don't really get into to nothing and never even mentioned a boy, she only hung out with her friends. She wasn't into that fast girl shit, she's more on the boujie side because she's spoiled as well, I mean we all spoiled but she gets whatever she want literally. Now me on the other hand I'm just the chill big sister who likes her alone time, I don't really hang out with my little sisters like that because in reality they have their own little lives or whatever they call it. So I just be by myself , I never cared for having friends or boyfriends so I been solo, I had an couple associates I wouldn't call them friends for real, cause we didn't talk every day and they only had my social media. So this move really not gonna bother me like how it's gonna be bother my little sisters cause they the ones who had the friends coming over and shit like that. I went over people house never invited to my home, maybe it will change when school starts again. School starts in a couple days and we just been preparing even though we still got stuff to do for our house, like our rooms and stuff. Put furniture and beds arriving today we had went shopping like 4 days ago and our stuff is just now coming. I even got a job at footlocker in the mall, I'm happy my mom job starts in the morning, so she can drop me off and pick me up. I rode the subway from the mall all the way home, it was actually cool I never rode one before, I was surprised to see so many teenagers on that damn subway like I was shocked. I guess it's a thing down here in New York, everyone walks every where damn near especially in those neighborhoods that's all you see is people walking. I'm glad this my last year of high school though I really had enough of this school bullshit like seriously. I hate getting up in the morning to be bored at school for 7-8 hours of the day then go to work for the rest of the day and night like no. I turn 18 next month and then Saniyaa turns 16 in October so our birthdays is almost next to each other. We all two years apart cause Ivanah will be 15 next year in February, so you know we ain't worried about til next year. My mom birthday is actually coming in like two weeks we actually excited for that, cause I know she wanna do something special and now I have a job down here so I can get her gifts. Right now we getting ready to go the mall and go clothes shopping for school, my dad sent hella money for school and for me to buy an new phone I still haven't went. I'm gonna make it my mission for me to get a new phone cause this one is just pissing me off everyday. Anyways I already have my nails done for school I'm getting my hair done tomorrow, I'm getting braids so I don't have to deal with my hair. Our new house we have our own rooms like how we had in California I can say our house is bigger than the one we had in California. It's better than the one In California, it's just gonna be hell cleaning on our deep cleaning Sunday.

"You about ready Paris? We leaving in five minutes so come on hurry up." My mom came into my room looking cute as always, she's the queen of fashion literally. Anywhere she go she looks like a baddie like right I'm wearing a crop top and some sweats with crocs.

"You look so bomb per usual, going anywhere tonight?" I asked her.

"Thank you, and no just hanging with my girlies today I wanna look cute while I'm out you know, you look..... comfortable." She nodded her head I laughed because I know she's probably thinking why I'm not all dressed up and shit but like it's never that serious for me.

"Wanna look comfortable because we are gonna be out all night. Are we grocery shopping today or tomorrow?" I asked her.

"If you drive we can go grocery shopping but I do have to go to Target and Walmart so we can grocery there if y'all feel like it. Did your dad send you the money for your phone ?" She asked me.

"Yea, he also said he was coming to see me for my birthday so be nice to him please." I told her, she acts like it's his fault why he left her but like she was cheating on him with my little sister dad so how can she be mad? She's just a little bit delusional, I do like my sisters dad he just annoying as hell and think he better than everyone. I'm glad Saniya didn't turn out like him she's very humble and I love that, she talks to him for money that's all, she actually calls my dad her dad because he was raising her when her dad decided to cut out. Their dad is back in their life, he only really took care of Ivanah, now them two are evil twins for sure. She definitely has some of his annoying as traits but it's bearable coming from her, not so much from him.

"Well girl let's go spend some cash cash, y'all start school this Monday do y'all need to so everyone while y'all still can. Inform your sisters cause if they want hair and nails done, they need to get with program no time for last minute shit." She walked out my room, leaving the door open I grabbed my purse and charger and followed right behind her. I don't know why she leaves all the shit they need to do themselves up to me. I walked to Saniya room and she was fixing her purse putting everything she needed in there.

"Mom said if you want nails and hair to be done you need to be on it, no last minute stuff and we grocery shopping today. " I told her.

"I'm wearing my natural I wanna dye it red soon though I'm getting tired of this blonde. I'm getting my nails done though, I don't know what vanah got planned." She made a silly face I chuckled just a bit nodding my head cause vanah she be having a whole lot going on.

"Okay I can style it cute for you, and let's go mom said five minutes." I said she nodded her head walking out the room. We both walked down the stairs and vanah had in her AirPods not paying up no mind. I went to kitchen grabbing some waters out the freezer, I gave everyone a water and walked out the door. I walked up to the car getting in the front, me and my sibling already discussed I'm always in the front unless I'm just not going that's when they can argue who's being in the front. When I'm coming along I'm always in the front, everyone got situated in the car and my mom started playing some music.

"Did y'all bring snacks cause we not gone be eating til later later on today so if y'all need to me stop at the gas station say something now." She turned her music low, looking at everyone at fixing her hair, later later is crazy when we had breakfast two hours ago.

"Ima just take y'all asses to the gas station anyways since y'all not saying shit. Act like y'all can't here and shit lemme turn on my music." She rolled her eyes putting her seatbelt on we both started laughing, she turned the music up and pulled off from the driveway.

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