Princess Position

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Turned out the beautiful mansion was centuries old. It felt that way too. Inside it were six rooms and seven bathrooms, a music room, a wine cellar, a convenient library and a backyard garden with a pool. What a vacation!

After the cocktail, Bryn led me up the stairs into a room separated from the others. The master bedroom. His bedroom. I wondered if we were going to get busy but he simply gestured toward a door. Its color was the exact same one as the little envelope in my purse. A lot of things were.

"You can make use of whatever you fancy." He invited.

He stared at me as if I were his long lost soulmate or distant family member whom he desperately wanted to kindle a relationship with.

Uh, no thanks. This was strictly business. No intimacy whatsoever.

I nodded and he walked out of the room. His bed was a king sized four poster. Its drapery were a dark shade of purple - same as the floor rug, curtains and most of the furniture. I liked that the excessive use of that one color did not ruin the decor. Instead it made everything appealing and attractive. Abandoning my purse on his study table, I strolled into the bathroom.

Hm! It was moderate.

The tub was wide and half enclosed with beautiful bright curtains on one side. The wall on the other had tiny holes in it that looked like power outlets but I hilariously discovered they were minute showers. After a good bath, I tinkered with the bottles in the cabinet. Nothing smelled familiar in any of them. I found essential oils, gels, ointments and a silky pomade meant for hair. He had literally asked me to use whatever but I suddenly felt like I was stealing. The products seemed to me like the kind that would take many months to ship from one country to another because they were rare.

After wrapping myself in a large white towel, I slithered out of the bathroom. "Slithered" because the oils gave me a snake walk pattern. They made my skin so slippery that I had to hold on to things for balance as I walked. On the rugs, it became easier to move around. When I came into the room again, I discovered a dress lying on the bed. It was a simple sundress; black and dotted with little undecipherable yellow patterns. How strange yet expected! My client had since struck me as eccentric, very eccentric. I slipped the dress on and felt tempted to lie back on the bed.

Not a sleepover. Sit your ass up! I chided myself.

But I was so tired that I could have keeled. The bed seemed to be calling to me. It was pleasantly sturdy and neatly made with eight large cuddly pillows and dark sheets. I waited for Bryn to come and fetch me or at least join me but he did not show up again. I thought about going to him then suddenly unbethought. I laid down a second time.

Ah, screw it!

Where was the harm in a little nap?

I settled comfortably into the bed with a pillow behind and in front of me. The room was dim because of the half drawn curtains, initiating a relaxing atmosphere. I shut my eyes, feeling my bones relax one hundred percent. In no time, I had fallen into a deep sleep.

When my eyes opened again, I felt so well rested that I could have bawled. The room still appeared dim making me doubt I had slept for long. I rolled over and my eyes fell on a black analog clock on the side table. I sat up so quickly that if there was a board above me I would have bonked my head hard against it.

4:31PM. Holy shit! I had slept for over six hours.


It suddenly felt like making up for the time I had spent with Rafael doing absolutely nothing fun. I calmed and stretched out, glancing around the room. Everything was as it was. Even my silver purse was still there on the table as well as my folded clothes on the chair.

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