The Invite

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I could barely believe I had gotten a five star. Ginevra clarified that it came from a previous client before Rafael - one Mr Hart something something. Nobody ever bothered to know their client's name unless he told it himself and even at that, it was hard work to remember. No one addressed their client by his name in The RLD either. We just called them "clients" or "engagement". Only Madame Rossi had solid information on who they truly were and what they did for a living and sometimes even recommended a Star Girl to them herself if she was feeling up to it.

The idea that I now "belonged" made me uncomfortable. I had suspected it would be a golden feeling but it was far from it. Everyone repeatedly congratulated me - everyone except Khadija and Amber who threw constant stink eyes my way instead. Tate even gave me a kiss on both cheeks and promised she would be the first to request my services. We both laughed at that.

Three days later, Madame Rossi requested to speak with me through Wiley. I already knew what the summon meant. She was either going to give me a pep talk on how to be a pro in the game or plead with me to try to make more connections for her through my future clients. Either way, I would be more than happy to oblige. I owed her that much. But when I arrived her private office on the topmost floor, what she said to me was completely different though not totally unexpected.

"You have a client." She stated.

Her countenance disturbed me. She appeared worried by the fact that I had a client even though it was absolutely normal for a Star Girl to have one so quickly. The RLD ran a private website where VIP clients could look up newest additions to the Star Girl list and so it took little to no time for a girl to be requested - whether she was newly inducted or not.

"Why do you make it sound like it's a bad thing, Madame?" I asked with my arms crossed.

Rossi plopped down on her large armchair. She was a voluptuous, robust and rambunctious lady in her early fifties with a fetish for dark lipstick and colorful eye makeup. She looked like a work of art with beautiful dark brown skin, a head full of short black curls, bright eyes and plump lips. I had heard she was of both South African and Italian heritage but there was no confirmation on that yet. Nonetheless, it intrigued me. I completely loved and admired people who came into existence from two totally different ethnicities or countries.

As she looked at me she flexed long, perfectly polished fingers where numerous gold rings flashed even on her knuckles.

"It's not a bad thing, Ila." She agreed. "I was only surprised. Because. . . your supposed client has requested your services for a whole week."

I could have sworn my jaw fell to the floor just then but it was only just a little decorative jar that had tipped over from one of the tables in the office.

"Is he a satyriasist?" I asked. I did not have a problem with a maniac as I had already come across a few in my line of work but never had any requested a whole week. Dang!

"I have no idea." Madame Rossi shrugged. "But he's completely new, Ila. He's never patronized The RLD before. What I know is that he is filthy rich. He added very little information about himself on the website but you gotta make the most of your time. You're a Star Girl now. You know how this works."

"You don't have to waste your breath, Lucy." I said, lifting a hand. And yeah, she let me call her Lucy. It was our little secret. I thought I partly owed it to Tate how my boss liked me a bit more than everyone else.

"When do I have to leave?" I inquired.

"In an hour." She replied.

"What?" I suddenly felt nervous. "I don't even have a proper wardrobe yet."

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