Chapter 5

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Sundowner POV

My boots hit the rocky surface of the desert as I finally arrived at my destination.

I groaned as I straightened up and watched the chopper fly off.

The base was only a few minutes away from here.

Normally, they should have no idea that I'm coming to pay them a visit, but they're no amateurs when it comes to espionage, so I wouldn't be surprised if they were waiting for me to arrive.

My face protection activated along with my visor that began scanning the area for hostiles.

It was the snipers that could damage me the most, so I'll have to be extra careful with them.

I also scanned the ground in front of me for mines, but I found none.

No snipers, no mines, no preparations whatsoever.

This is weird. Sonya was a very paranoid person in general, so her doing nothing and putting up no defense at all is very unexpected.

Or maybe this is all a trap and I'm walking straight into it...but when I think about it, no trap will be enough to kill me.

After a few minutes I was finally able to see the base in the distance, the first thing that I've noticed was the missing aircraft and vehicles.

No jets, choppers, tanks, no vehicles in general.

Was this a tactic to lure me into the base?

If it was, it worked, because I was now inside of the base after cutting through the fence.

I looked around only to find nothing.

Sundowner: Fuckers really just shit themselves and ran, huh?

I asked myself with a chuckle.

A thunder hit the ground before me, causing me to take a step back and tighten the grip around my blades.

A man with a funny hat appeared, his eyes sparking with small lightning, while his whole body was surrounded by it.

It was as if the electricity served as a shield for him.

Sundowner: And who the fuck are you supposed to be?

He spoke up, looking me straight in the eyes with a stern look.

???: I am Lord Raiden, God of Thunder, Protector of Earthrealm.

Sundowner: Am I supposed to know you?

Raiden: Now you do.

Sundowner: Well then, tell me God, where are the Special Forces?

Raiden: They are in safety. Away from you.

Sundowner: Tell me where.

Raiden: You do not get to make demands.

Sundowner: Look, the rules are simple. You either help me, get out of my way, or die.

Raiden: I will indulge your insolence as I have an offer to make.

Sundowner: There's nothing you can offer me.

Raiden: I can give you your normal life back.

I shook my head with a confident smirk.

Sundowner: Nah, I'm good.

Raiden: Are you? Is this the life you have always wanted? A life away from your family, your loved ones? Far away from home, fighting people that have never wronged you? Slaughtering innocents?

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