Chapter 10(The End)

Start from the beginning

"W-wait? Do you love me? Me?", Abhi asks shocked.

Aaru laughs at his apparent shock, "Yes I do. How many times do I tell you?"

Abhi laughs before rushing forward to hug her almost lifting her off her feet.

"I love you I love you I love you.", Abhi laughs twirling her around.

"I know. Ahhhh leave me, I'm getting dizzy.", Aaru laughs as she hugs him back.

Suddenly she realizes something and pulls back from the hug pinching him, making him wince.

"Next time, you bring any girl here, I will kill you. And why the hell didn't you push her away yesterday?", Aaru glared at him.

"I did. I pushed her away so hard, she fell. Not that I cared.", Abhi says.

"Hmm good then. She deserves it.", Aaru says going back to hugging Abhi.

This time Abhi pulls back in shock, "Wait, what about Soham?"

"What about him?", Aaru asks with raises eyebrows.

"You just went out on a date with him, didn't you?", Abhi asks. Aaru smiles at his envious tone.

"Yeah I did, and I had so much fun. We went to the city market. It was amazing.", Aaru gushed.

Abhi leaves her abruptly. "Aaru I swear are you playing with me? If you tell me all of this is a prank, I will die of heartbreak.", Abhi says as tears form in his eyes.

Aaru controls her laugh at his pouty expression before shaking her head and pulling him closer.

"Offo, don't be such a baby", Aaru says before kissing him.

Abhi's eyes widen in shock before he slowly starts to kiss her back. His hands slide to her waist pulling her closer, while her hand goes to his hair gripping it and deepening the kiss.

Aaru pulls back when they finally run out of breath before looking down.

"Seriously, now you're feeling shy?", Abhi smirks as he lifts her chin up.

"Shut up", Aaru smacks his hand.

"Wait", Abhi's eyes widen, "Did you just cheat on Soham with me?"

Aaru looks skywards as if asking for god's help to manage this idiot.

"Abhi, it was one date. And we did not do much except roam around and eat food. And I rejected him. Get it? I rejected him.", Aaru says clearly.

"Oh", Abhi says, "Did you guys hold hands?"

"No, he was a respectable gentleman, like always.", Aaru says.

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean? Am I not respectable or a gentleman?", Abhi asks pouting.

"Seriously Abhi, Every time you meet me you hug me or kiss me on the cheek or both. That too without my permission.", Aaru says rolling her eyes.

"But you loved it though didn't you?", Abhi asks grinning.

"That I did, It made me fall in love with you even more.", Aaru says smiling.

Abhi pulls Aaru to the swings, sitting down first before pulling her down on his lap.

"I'll make you forget all the years you spent loving me alone. I promise.", Abhi says showing her his pinky.

Aaru smiles at his cute determined expression. She kisses his cheek before linking her pinky with his.

"Pinky promise.", Aaru says.

Abhi grins hugging her tightly, as they swing slowly.

"Now that we've established that, what should I do If you leave me?", Aaru asks.

"I won't, though.", Abhi says hugging her tightly.

"But what if you do?", Aaru persists.

"I won't.", Abhi says firmly.

"Okay, but If you do, I am breaking all your Avengers miniature collection.", Aaru smirks as she comes up with a solution.

"What? N-no, you cannot.", Abhi stutters his eyes wide.

"Oh and also your Michal Jackson vinyl records.", Aaru grins satisfactorily teasing him.

"N-no, never.", Abhi says with a look of horror on his face.

"What?", Aaru asks with raised eyebrows.

"I meant, I will never ever leave you. Ever.", Abhi says hugging her tightly.

"Uh huh", Aaru smiles leaning into him.

"Trust me, baby, I won't. I even pinky promised,", Abhi whines.

"Ok fine, calm down. I won't do anything.", Aaru laughs.

"Oh thank god", Abhi sighs in relief.

"Not if It can be helped", Aaru shrugs nonchalantly.

"Aarushi", Abhi whines, making her burst out laughing.


The End.

Hope you enjoyed the short story. Please comment all your feedback, so I know how my story was.



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