Chapter 1

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Like every other day, Aarushi walked into tuition thinking it would be as normal as ever. She settled in her place between Abhi and Madhav.

"Maddy", Aarushi grins hugging him tightly, who laughs and hugs her back. She had been sick for the past two days and didn't have the chance to see them.

"Aaru you always greet him first, It's not fair", Abhi whines pouting.

Aarushi rolls her eyes but a smile automatically comes on her face as she hugs Abhi who squeezes her before giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Why are you such a baby?", Aarushi asks shaking her head.

"What? Can I not greet my best friend?", Abhi asks raising his eyebrows.

"No you cannot.", Aarushi says.

Abhi's eyes narrow at Aarushi, whose eyes widen in realization.

"Abhi no-", she shrieks before he starts tickling her.

"Stop, stop enough", Aarushi gasps for breath as she couldn't laugh anymore.

"Aaru and Abhi enough", Soumya ma'am says as she walks in.

"Hi ma'am", the students chorused together.

Apart from Aaru, Abhi and Maddy, there were four other kids in class. Two older guys Rajesh and Rakesh were twins. A quiet girl called Anya studied in the same class as Aarushi at school. And Shreya, a girl who is in Maddy's class.

All of them do learn more in tuition than they teach in school, so which grade they are in doesn't matter usually. Though sometimes Maddy and the other older kids take extra classes.

Now coming to Soumya ma'am, she is the world's best teacher. She can be strict when it comes to studies, but she's funny and super friendly. She takes most of their important subjects like Math, Physics, Chemistry and sometimes biology. English is taken by a different sir, who comes only once a week.

Back to class,
"So how was the first day of 11th and 12th grade", Soumya ma'am asked them.

"It sucked, all they talked about was how important studies are blah blah blah", Abhi says annoyed

"Language Abhinav", Soumya ma'am scolds him.

"It was good for me", Maddy offered, ever the peacemaker.

"Of course, it's good for you, you're the topper of your grade", Abhi says sulking.

"True", Maddy grins making everyone in the class snicker.

"Ok so since this is the first day, I'll just give you all an intro to your syllabus. Also, we will be having a new student.", Soumya ma'am says.

The children look up interested as they hear new students.

A minute later, A tall, skinny, girl with short black hair walks in.

"Hey guys, I'm Kavya", she introduces herself excitedly.

Aaru smiles thinking she might get a new friend.

"Hello Kavya, you can sit wherever you want", ma'am says pointing to the class.

Kavya looks around before spotting Abhi. She walks over to us and puts her hand out.

"Hey, I'm Kavya", she says shyly.

Aarushi and Madhav exchange a quick glance, as Abhi smiles his usual charming smile. Aaru could notice Kavya liked Abhi from the way her smile became wider and she blushed.

Aaru sighed, wondering how she was going to handle this new development.
Madhav squeezed her hand from next to her and said," Abhi has dated girls, but none of them permanently. You are the one constant girl in his life. Believe that."

"Yeah well, All I get is a broken heart every time. Maybe I should move on", Aaru mumbles.

Madhav's eyes widen, "Really? I mean I would be happy if you do. But maybe Abhi will realise soon?"

Aarushi shoots a glance at Abhi to see him deep in conversation with Kavya.

She lowers her voice, "Realise what? I think it's apparent that he has no feelings like that whatsoever."

Maddy just gives her a mysterious smile as he says, "I don't think so."

Both of them turn to the front as the teacher starts the class.

In the middle of class, a ball of paper falls onto her desk. She looks up to see Abhi grinning, gesturing her to read it.

Aarushi opens the paper to see, "Do you wanna go out for coffee with Kavya and me? Maddy will go to meet Meera after this and you'll be alone.'

Aarushi smiles a little sadly, as she scribbles an answer. 'No thank you, I have a project to complete.'

Abhi's smile drops as he reads her answer and he uses his ultimate weapon. The puppy dog eyes. Though Aarushi did aww at his cuteness, she had no interest in being a third wheel.

She firmly shook her head no before turning back to class.

After class, Aaru and Madhav decide to go home.

"Aaru I'll drop you off", Madhav says taking her school bag from her.

Aarushi smiles and asks," Ice cream?"

Maddy nods fondly, ruffling her hair.

Abhi watches the two of them, feeling something weird. He shrugs off the feeling before waving to Aaru and Madhav.

"Can we go?", Kavya asks linking her arms with Abhi who forces a smile and nods.

Both of them walk to the coffee shop located right next to their tuition class.

A few minutes later, Abhi and Kavya are settled in a cosy booth each nursing a cup of coffee.

"Are you alright?", Kavya asks looking at Abhinav over the rim of her cup.

"Yeah, why?", Abhinav asks frowning.

"You seem upset. Is it because Aarushi didn't come?" Kavya asks hoping he'll say no.

Abhinav's eyes widen as he shakes his head, "No no nothing like that."

Kavya smiles happily and starts chatting about general topics, as Abhinav pushes the things on his mind away and goes back to being his usual charming self.


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