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Morning sunshine filtering through the sheer curtain and hitting his face was his wake up call. Throat feeling like a sheet of sandpaper, he sleepily reached for the water glass he always kept by his bed and finished it all in three gulps. As he set the glass back and cleared his throat, memories of last night hit him like bricks: wedding, drinking, girl with nice ass.

Had he really asked her to work for him? He ran a hand down in his face in embarrassment — was he that desperate? Or was it some last minute attempt at trying to feel this love that turned everyone into bumbling idiots? Shit, he needed to get it together. Damn his cousin for getting into his head about him finding out soon what true love was. He scoffed at the idea, true love only existed in books written by people who couldn't face the harsh reality that love was a fool's errand.

He looked over to his left and stared for a second at the naked women that was asleep right next to him. She was someone he hooked up with whenever he needed to take off the edge and she was perfectly content with their arrangement.

"Morning handsome," she said as she woke up, sitting up in a seductive pose that made him wonder if he had time before work to use her again. He despised the morning after clingyness some of his partners displayed despite him only promising nothing more than one night but thankfully he didn't have to worry about that with her.

"Morning," he said instead, taking one last lingering look at her naked form before getting out of bed.

"What happened to you last night? You were kinda absent." She asked as she reached for her dress that had somehow made it to the end of the bed.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Nothing," she mumbled as she rolled her eyes and pulled on her dress and stood up. "Same time next week?"

He muttered a yes and she left, leaving him alone in his hotel room, wondering why he felt so empty despite constantly being surrounded by people.

He walked into the bathroom and hopped in the shower, washing away last night. As he lathered up his shampoo, his mind wandered to a pair of tight black pants.

He seriously needed to forget about her.

Beauty And The Liar: A Liar, Liar Novella Where stories live. Discover now