Hualian AU Xtraz ~ Xie Lian's Nudes

Start from the beginning

"Gege, I – " he started to say, but he looked worried. What was going on?

Xie Lian stepped inside the room, and saw Hua Cheng was browsing at The Cave of Ten Thousand Gods. Why though, didn't he say he was going to show it to Xie Lian on the day after, what was he doing? And in the middle of the night like that, wearing just boxers...

"Gege, I, hum, please don't be pissed off at me", he said. That just made Xie Lian more puzzled, and he woke up completely; Hua Cheng went on, "Remember I said I changed the settings to private?"

Xie Lian nodded, standing beside Hua Cheng with an arm on his shoulders, trying to focus his eyes on the bright screen in that dark room. Hua Cheng said, "So, I uploaded some private stuff on it the other day".

"What stuff?", Xie Lian asked.

"Hum, the nudes you send me sometimes. Gege, don't get pissed off".

Xie Lian shrugged, "Why should I? I sent them to you, this photolog is for your eyes only isn't it?"

"Yeah...", Hua Cheng replied, "Still, I didn't want you to think I'm weird. So I came to delete the nudes before showing you the website..."

"San Lang, how many times do I have to tell you I don't think you're weird?", Xie Lian replied, smiling and brushing Hua Cheng's hair off his face. Hua Cheng kept the same worried expression though.

"Gege. This website was accessed today, and it wasn't me. It was hacked! And your nudes are missing..."

"What? Shit San Lang, if they're leaked at The Heavens... I can even lose my scholarship!"

"I know", Hua Cheng pursed his lips, "I've been trying to track the hacking down but... I can't do it, it's not my thing", he paused, "I have to call X-Yue. And he'll probably have to ask that guy to help".

He was referring to He Xuan, or the police hacker Black Water, who Hua Cheng really didn't trust, because of what he did to Shi Qingxuan at that weekend in Amsterdam. Xie Lian got worried sick, so Hua Cheng got worried sick too. He didn't want to ask his help on something like that! But his only option at the moment was to call his mate PC Xiaxian Yue and...

"Wait San Lang, wait. I have a better idea", Xie Lian said, walking back to the bedroom to fetch his phone, and going through his contacts. He called someone, "Hey it's me. Sorry to bother you in the middle of the night but it's quite an emergency..."

Around one hour later, Xie Lian and Hua Cheng met Feng Xin and Mu Qing at The Heavens, more precisely at The Palace of Nan Yang, where Feng Xin – a cyber security specialist – hoped to get their problem sorted. It was him Xie Lian called for help, and Mu Qing had been dragged in to boost morale – dressed all smartly, he didn't look dragged in the middle of the night at all.

"Remind me why we're here again?", he asked, with a – understandable – bad mood.

"To track a hacking back to its origin we need proper cyber forensics tools, I can't do it from my laptop at home", Feng Xin replied, logging in his computer – he looked like he was still in bed.

"I mean, in the middle of the night?", Mu Qing replied, picking a long blond hair from Feng Xin's shoulder, raising a brow; even in the semi-darkness they all saw Feng Xin's face going deeply red.

"The sooner we take action the better", Feng Xin replied with a forced serious face, nodding at Hua Cheng to login on The Cave of Ten Thousand Gods photolog.

Mu Qing went on annoyingly, "I mean, how can that have happened in the first place?", giving Hua Cheng dirty looks – he didn't even pretend he wasn't blaming him for everything. And Hua Cheng was clearly blaming himself too, because he just looked depressed, not saying anything.

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