Battle for the Mushroom Kingdom! Rescuing the Princess from marriage!

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Narrator's POV

Down deep in the bottom of the sea, a white squid was being sucked in the stomach of the eel and inside we see Mario, Damien Kong, Jasmine Kong and Donkey Kong being slowly digested. Damien and Jasmine Kong were trying to look for a way out of the eel, while Mario and Donkey Kong sits down, as he began to throw pieces from the Rainbow Road and throws it.

Donkey Kong: So this is the end. Being slowly digested by an eel next to his brother, friend and an idiot in overalls. *Picks up a piece*

Damien Kong: Come on, DK. We're not finished yet. There's got to be a way out of here. 

Mario: Well, at least your brother isn't gonna die because of you.

Donkey Kong: Least you're not gonna die with your dad thinking you're a joke.

As Donkey Kong said that Damien Kong and Jasmine Kong stopped moving around the stomach and look at Donkey Kong.

Damien Kong: Well, Mario's dad thinks he's a joke, too. But I don't think you both are jokes.

Donkey Kong: *Looks at Damien Kong* Oh yeah, well... Maybe his dad is right!

Mario: You know what? I feel bad enough. Just-just leave me alone.

Donkey Kong: I've never met your dad, but he sounds brilliant!

Jasmine Kong: DK, enough! Save your arguments in the battle.

Mario: You know what? It's fine Jasmine, let the Smash Monkey do whatever he wants!

As Mario said that it causes Donkey Kong to get even more angry and began to smash things as he stormed up to Mario.

Donkey Kong: I... AM... MORE... THAN A GUY... WHO SMASHES THINGS!!!

Damien Kong: Enough! Fighting won't get us out of here!

Donkey Kong: Why would you care for this idiot then?! Are you saying that he's a better brother than me?!

Damien Kong: No! I'm saying, fighting against each other won't help us defeat Bowser! You may have everyone in your kingdom, but me I'm treated different!

Donkey Kong: Oh yeah?! What makes you think you're treat different than having an idiot human brother?!


As Damien Kong finish his sentence, he goes to a different spot and sit down, leaving the others to look at him in silence and in shock. Donkey Kong realized what he did and felt bad for yelling at his brother who was separated by him as babies. Donkey Kong decides to go to where Damien Kong is and sit next to him.

Donkey Kong: I-I'm sorry, Damien. I was just trying to defend my home and family. So, what's your problem with us?

Damien Kong: Look, I don't have the problem with the Kongs or our family, it's Mario's world that has a problem with me! When I was just a little boy the children be like, "Ah! No! Help! A big stupid ugly four hand monster will eat you alive!" *Sighs as he curled himself as a ball* They did it without having a good look at me, that's why I'm better off in the world. Mario's family was the only people that didn't treat me like a monster, they treated me like I'm apart of them, like I'm own son. I don't blame you or Dad for leaving me and sending me to Mario's world.

Mario, Donkey Kong and Jasmine Kong couldn't believe what they are hearing from Damien Kong. The people in Mario's world treat Damien Kong like a monster when he was a child.

Damien Kong: I think it's better if we just be dead by an eel. At least everyone won't care if we die.

Mario: No!

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