The Final Battle! Super Mario and Kong Bros vs Bowser!

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Narrator's POV

At Brooklyn, we see Mario's family having dinner until they saw the lights began to act up from not only their house but from many other apartments. At the streets, the manhole cover from the sewers began to move a little bit until it was blown away up to the sky as Mario and Damien Kong come out and hit the ground.

Mario: Brooklyn?

Damien Kong: Wait, I just realized something. If that pipe, we went into the Mushroom Kingdom, is a part of Brooklyn, wouldn't that mean...

Right before Damien Kong was about to finish his sentences, a van came up to them and then stopped, they looked at the van and saw spike stick his head out of the window.

Spike: Mario?! *Gets out of the van and grabs Mario by the overalls* You almost dent my van!

Damien Kong: Spike, I know I would love to hit you, but now it isn't the time!

Spike: And why is that Monkey Boy?!

Right before he could argue with Damien, they all saw a massive explosion of pink and blue burst from the ground which. shows Bowser's aircraft.

Damien Kong: Because THAT!

As Damien Kong yelled the trees from the Mushroom Forrest to crash onto the ground, one of them hit Spike's van. They began to run away as the massive explosion knocks Mario and Damien Kong back. Princess Peach, Jasmine Kong, Toad, Cranky Kong, Donkey Kong and Luigi landed on the road as Luigi began to hide in the dumpster to avoid the falling debris.

Damien Kong lifted his head and help Mario to get up. They both saw the Super Star glowing right in front of them in their own eyes. They both began to rush over it to grab it until thundering stomps made them look and saw Bowser had emerged from the fog, with his eyes flaring like flames and is not wearing his wedding outfit.

Bowser: MARIO!! *Sees Mario rushing to the star, but began to block their path* Do want this? *Grabs Mario's arm and punch him so hard, it causes him to crash onto the car. Began to use his fire breath as Mario run away from it and then began to throw stuff at him, trying to kill the plumber* You ruined my wedding. I was finally gonna be happy. Now you will suffer like me!  

As Bowser finish his sentences, he swat Mario with his tail as he crashed into the Knock-Out Pizzeria and begins to hide.

Bowser:  You really thought you could stop me? *Looks around, trying to find Mario* You worthless weak little nothing. Come out and fight or are you too scared?! *No response* Heh. Just as I thought-

Right before Bowser could finish talking, he got punched in the weak spot by all men from Damien Kong. The nuts, which causes Bowser to yell in pain. Every male cringe at this and Damien began to get confused until his realize why.

Damien Kong: Aw man! *Looks at Bowser get on his knees as he held his area* I swear I didn't know you had a... Sorry.

Bowser: *Look at Damien Kong in anger* WHY YOU LITTLE-!

Right before Bowser could finish his sentence. Something hit him in the face as he saw Peach, Jasmine Kong and Donkey Kong join the fight along with Damien Kong as Bowser roared and started to fight back. With Mario he began to use a little bit of his strength and began to cry realizing that he couldn't do anything until the broken tv began to play the Super Mario Bros. Plumbing commercial, but it started to glitch a little bit.

Mario, Luigi and Damien Kong (Commercial audio): Mamma Mia!

Mario (Commercial audio): That's why the Super Mario Brothers are here! To save Brooklyn- Save Brooklyn- Brooklyn- Save Brooklyn-

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