chapter two

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" What do you mean temper," I say worryingly "How harsh were you Mario, please tell me you weren't harsh," I say pleading

Mario looks back at me, grabs his pyjamas and leaves

Great I say to myself now holding my head in my hands

.....END OF RECAP.......

I grab my pup and a book off of the bookshelf and leave the house to go on a walk.

After Mario berated me, I felt drained and a walk was just what I needed. I walked out my door to the warm sun beaming on my face, I walk down the street watching the toads head f towards the city. Everyone was so enthralled in their own lives as If nothing was ever happening.

I walked towards a small cluster of mushrooms and went down the familiar path. A long trail that went on for miles, with patches of grass and forks in the road. The path was faded yellow and rarely had anyone on it as it went past the badlands.

I walked along the path alongside polter pup, watching him run ahead and then wait for me to catch up. Every now and then I'd throw a stick for him and watch as he excitedly bolted forwards. We walked for a while as I felt my legs becoming sore. I was not as fit as I'd like to be. I have a tummy and I'm lanky so going for walks is a nice refresher for my now bland life.

I saw a small grass patch and sat down. I pull out my book and start reading. It was a silly adventure novel I borrowed from the Brooklyn Library. I guess it's less borrowed now and more stolen and taken to an alternative universe but that's beside the point. I actually would read it to the young children in the kingdom. They seemed to enjoy it.

I read for what seemed like hours, nearing the end of the book I look up and the sun's setting. I had no plan in staying so late. I look next to me and see my pup sleeping next to me. I pat him and up and he started stretching.

"Come on boy, time to go home,"

I stand up, dust my knees off and get ready to start going until I heard a child scream in the distance

"Help me!!!"

I turn around and look towards the path. No one was there until I heard another scream


Without a thought I bolted down the path, listening for the young voice, I ran until a fork in the road... the screams were coming from the badlands, I wasn't allowed there but no was no time to be listening to Mario's rules, especially when a child's in danger.


The kids screams getting closer, I kept running and saw a short figure in a cloak being pulled around a crowd of boos

"You're going to be the perfect prize for our king," the floating ghost laughed as they grabbed the child's arm roughly

I ran over with no plan or a second thought and stood in front of the kid pushing him away

"GO AWAY AND STOP BOTHERING US," I  yell regaining my breath from running

What did I do, I had no protection for the child, I couldn't fight, not without my vacuum. I hold the kids hand and he grabs onto my leg. I look up

"What are you gonna do about it greenie,"

That Nick name again. Of course, I ignored it and looked at the kid. It was crucial I get him out of this situation, before i knew it a boo came from behind and ripped the cloak of the child


"JR? BOWSER JR?," I say surprised "why are you out of the castle, it's dangerous,"

Before I let the kid speak I realise how much worse it would be if jr was kidnapped by boos, there would be a war and the toadstool kingdom would be affected. I make eye contact with the kid and smile. I pick him up and start running

"Comeone kid, I gotta get you out of here. Stay quiet until i say so," I saw panting as I'm running. Knowing the boos are following. Polter pup followed behind me jump scared the boos allowing me time to craw into a hollow log with the child.

I look over to JR who is shaking, he goes to open his mouth but I cover it as I hear the numbers of the boos coming past. I look to JR and make a shush sign with my free hand and let go of his mouth. He nods although being frightened. After not long at all the boos disperse looking through the forest for Jr.

"Okay, it's okay, you're okay," I say to the scared kid

"Am I going to get home?," Jr said looking up to me

"Of course, I wouldn't let anything bad happen to you," I saw smiling and tossing up the kids hair

"Thank you uhhh.....," he says

"Luigi, my names luigi," I say smiling "come one, let's get you home,"

We crawl out of the log and start walking back towards the path, shortly I see a troop of koopas. Knowing they were probably lookinh for JR I headed in that direction

" hey JR, I can't be seen by the koopas but there are some up ahead that will get you ho-" I'm cut of to growing laugher from behind. It's the boos again. I grab Jr again and run to the koopas, they see me and pull out their spears but Jr yells


I let go of Jr near the koopas and notice the boos aren't stopping they were coming closer. They were soon surrounding me

"You know how much better you would be as a prize to our king boo," a boo snicked

"we wouldn't have to work for months," another boo says meniacly

"Shit," I saw. What have I gotten myself into. Before I got a change I was in chains floating above the ground.

I heard the young son of the king screaming behind me

I yell back to the koopas to get Jr back to the castle. And before I knew it I was teleporting Into a large entryway, the walls were old and the paint was coming off. The building was Victorian in a blue and purple colour pallets

Immediately I knew I was in king boo's mansion. Thinking back to the letter this morning praying that Mario hadn't been harsh and the mail hadn't sent. However the pipe systems in this world were so cleverly made, I was sure it had made it to the king.

-authors note-

I hope you liked this chapter, I will be updating this as regularly as I can

From this story so far,

-king boo is a bit of a stalker and obsessed.
-Bowser will be a sweet dad, hot headed and  has trouble winding down and needs a cool headed nurturing luigi✨️

(1190 words)

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