"That was a mistake.", Aaru says shaking her head.

"No, it wasn't. It showed that you care for me. The same way I care for you.", Abhi says looking into her eyes.

Aaru stands there shocked to silence.

"You don't actually mean that.", Aaru says shaking her head.

"I do, I definitely do. One hundred per cent. Believe me.", Abhi says trying to hold her hands.

"Abhi no. Please, just don't. I'm finally trying to move on after I don't know 6, 7 years. Soham seems to like me, and maybe I want to give him a chance. All my life, I had given love to a person who neither noticed it nor reciprocated it. I want to be loved for once in my life and Soham can give me that. He does genuinely make me happy.", Aaru says as she blinks back tears.

Abhi doesn't even bother to hide the tears in his eyes, "Have you decided then?"

"Yes I have.", Aaru says hoping her voice didn't break.

"Ok, ok then. I hope you're happy.", Abhi says before walking out.

Aaru's heart breaks that he didn't even fight for her, he just accepted it. That bastard. And yet after so much happened, her heart still fluttered when he said he did care. Stupid stupid heart, she scolds herself.

Anya walks to her and stares surprised, "No crying?"

Aaru shakes her head, "I guess I've cried so much, that there are no tears left."

Soham walks to them as he hands Anya and Aaru their glass of juice.

"Thank you Soham", Aaru says with a tired smile.

"Um hey Aaru, can I talk to you? Alone?", Soham asks looking nervous.

Aaru gives Anya a helpless look but agrees as she has to face this anyway, "Yeah sure. We'll talk on the balcony."

"So what is it that you want to tell me?", Aaru asks, wondering whether she should give him a chance or not.

"U-umm, I-It's just that, I like you. Very very much. Would you go out on a date with me?

"Just a date?", Aaru asks.

"One date is all I ask, I know you're still confused about your feelings.", Soham says looking hopeful.

I guess I can allow myself a little happiness Aaru thought before smiling and nodding, "Ok, let's do it."

Soham grins, "Okay then, I'll text you by the end of today."

"Great", Aaru nods before both of them walk back in.

That night, Aaru calls Anya.

"Anya am I doing the right thing?", Aaru asks her as she lies on her bed.

"One date isn't wrong, but giving false hope is.", Anya says.

"Yeah, that's why I am planning on telling my decision after the date.", Aaru says.

"Do you like him as more than just a friend?", Anya asks.

"I don't think so. I mean he makes me smile with his antics, but I don't blush or feel butterflies nor does my heart beat faster.", Aaru complains.

"And I'm guessing all this still happens only with Abhi?", Anya asks smirking.

"W-what? Yes. How do you know that?", Aaru stutters flushing.

Anya sighs, "Aaru it's your decision, If you want to give it a chance or not. And Soham will accept either of those decisions."

"Hmm", Aaru says quietly lost in thought.

"Sleep on it okay?", Anya says.

"Hmm, bye. Love you.", Aaru says smiling.

"Love you too, good night girlie.", Anya says cutting the call.

Aaru sighs when she receives a text from Soham.

Tomorrow at 9, the bus stop.

She responds with a simple ok, before switching off her light and going to sleep.


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