Sunday morning, lousy morning

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The sun shined through my curtainless window filling my room with sunlight. The rays of light hit my eyes and my face scrunched up, "ughhh what time is it?" I mumbled. I didn't have a clock so I could only assume it was morning, I sat up straight and stretched. *Yawn~* I then sat there for a good minute recollecting my thoughts about any plans I had for today. Then all of my thoughts about the Valentines day confession rushed back into my mind, "OH!" I said out loud. I finally remember now that I was going to go find my friends to see if they could help me out and share some ideas. I smiled brightly because even though me and Cartman are more distant now he still likes to play matchmaker, which means he probably will help me even if it's just a little bit. As for Stan and Kyle, they have pretty much always been good best friends to me, so I'm sure that they will help me with this confession of mine.

I got off of my dirty mattress and walked over to my used and beat up dresser, I opened the drawer and pulled out my usual outfit for the day, which was just a white shirt, orange sweatpants and of course my orange parka. My mom was nice enough to make it bigger for me with some orange scraps she had from washcloths and other fabrics. Just by thinking of my mom's kind personality when she wasn't drunk or fighting with my dad made me half smile. But I quickly shifted my attention back to the confession as I pulled my T-shirt over my messy hair and slipped into my parka, I pulled up my sweatpants and left my room.

"Hey Kenny, come sit down for breakfast", my mom had made frozen waffles for breakfast. "Ok" I said as I pulled up a chair to the kitchen table, when I sat down I immediately began to eat my food because I wanted to get going as soon as possible, "Kenny be careful, you might choke!" My mom warned as she placed a cup of water on the table for me, "umphkay" I said with my mouth full. My family didn't really care much for table manners so I wasn't scolded by my mom for doing such things, I found this quite convenient if I'm being honest, I mean if Butters ate like this he would probably be grounded and if Stan or Kyle ate like this they would totally be scolded by their moms. Cartman is probably one of the only other people I know that could get away with all sorts of stuff even murder so of course table manners would not be something he would even bother to pay attention to.

I thought more about all of the awful stuff Cartman has done in the past as I quickly swallowed my last bite of frozen waffle and took a sip of water, I then ran out the door. Even though it was Sunday my family already knew I wasn't going to church, so they didn't even bother to stop me from hurrying along the snowy sidewalk along the slightly icy roads. The first friend I planned on going to visit was Stan because he lived the closest from my house, which means getting there would take no time at all.

I walked past the snowy rail road tracks and stepped onto Stan's porch and rang the door bell and the door was answered only a second later, "oh hello there, you're one of Stan's little friends right?" It was Stan's mom, "yup, is Stan home?" I asked her, "oh yes, I'll go get him but come on inside" she said as she urged me inside. I gladly went inside from the cold and sat down on the sofa, Stan's mom called for him "Stan, one of your friends are here looking for you!"

694 words~ April 28th, 2023
Hi yes again fuck art

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