"They have," Percy shrugged. "Didn't work."

Frank flipped through the pages of his book. "There's a lot in here about sacrifice, knowing the cost of war. Back in Vancouver, Mars told me I'd have to put my duty ahead of my life or the entire war would go sideways. I thought he meant freeing Thanatos, but now ... I don't know. I'm still alive, so maybe the worst is yet to come."

Frank was nervous. And there was something he wasn't telling them about Mars's visit. Aurelia wasn't sure they wanted to know. Besides, Frank had already given so much.

"You risked your life," Percy said. "You were willing to burn up to save the quest. Mars can't expect more than that."

"Maybe," Frank said doubtfully. Hazel squeezed his hands. The two seemed more comfortable around each other this morning than last night. No quite as nervous and awkward and Aurelia could think was, about fucking time. She was happy for them—although it did make her miss Jason a little bit more.

Just a little longer, she reminded herself. You'll see him again.

"What about you Hazel?" Percy asked. "Any word from Pluto?"

Hazel looked down. Several diamonds popped out of the ground at her feet. "No," she admitted. "In a way, I think he sent a message through Thanatos. My name wasn't on the list of escaped souls. It should have been."

"You think your dad is giving you a free pass?" Percy asked.

Hazel shrugged. "Pluto can't visit me, or even talk to me without acknowledging I'm alive. Then he'd have to enforce the laws of death and have Thanatos bring me back to the Underworld. I think my dad is turning a blind eye. I think—I think he wants me to find Nico."

Aurelia frowned at the sunrise, hoping for a giant warship to appear, along with a familiar blonde head. Nothing.

"We'll find your brother," Percy promised. "As soon as the ship gets here, we'll sail for Rome."

Aurelia suddenly became very interested in the grass. Hazel and Frank shared uneasy looks, like they'd already talked about this. The emotions were running tensely.

"Percy ..." Frank said. "If you want us to come along, we're in. But are you sure? I mean ... we know you've got tons of friends at the other camp. And you pick anyone at Camp Jupiter now. If we're not part of the eight, we'd understand—"

"Are you kidding?" Percy said. "You think I'd leave my team behind? After surviving Fleecy's wheat germ, running from cannibals, and hiding under giant butts in Alaska? Come on!"

The tension broke. Frank, Hazel and Percy all burst out laughing—maybe a little too much. Even Aurelia allowed herself to give a small smile. There four were just relieved to be alive, with the warm sun shining and not worrying—at least in that moment—about sinister faces appearing in the shadows of the hills.

"You in with us El?"

Aurelia pursed her lips, the ghost of her smile still playing on the edges of her mouth. "I am not sure. Reyna ... she still needs me. I do not want to leave her."

"Reyna would understand," Hazel comforted her. "We need you." It was unsaid, but they really did. Out of the four of them, Aurelia was both the most level-headed and the most emotionally unstable. But she did hold them all together, no matter how bad she was doing.

Aurelia didn't blink. The monsters in her eyes looked tired, but her gaze was still piercing. "Okay. I would be honored to accompany the three of you." You're my team.

Hazel took a deep breath. "The prophecy Ella gave us—about the child of wisdom, and the Mark of Athena burning through Rome ... do you know what that's about?"

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