Tangle & Whisper Issue #2: Infiltrateing and Escaping

Start from the beginning

They get there and are met with a giant Eggman robot piloted by the fake Tangle.

Mimic: HAHAAHAHA! You know I can replicate clothing. But I still don't know how you found out it was me!

The robot swings the wrecking ball around before slamming it on the ground next to Whisper making her fall over.

Gotuce charges in to the wrecking ball and punches it, completely obliterating it.

Gotuce looks at Mimic with an angry look.

Whisper gets up and uses her fire wisp to destroy the robot in flames.

Mimic throws a bomb at Whisper and Gotuce feets but Whisper doges it with her Hover wisp but Gotuce stands there in the explosion, unphased getting more angry.

Mimic starts shooting at Whisper but Whisper gets a good shot and disarms him.

Mimic: Nghhhh...... Nice shot....and it looks like you've learned to appreciate the personal touch.


Mimic: Oh? You mean this pretty face? She's in a safe place.

Mimic then changes into one of Whispers old teammates and begins to mock her and putting her down until Whisper had enough and smacked Mimic in the gut with the cube wispon.

Gotuce walks over with every step producing the ground to crack apart.

Gotuce: Tell us where Tangle is....NOW.

Mimic looks up and had a sickening grin.

Mimic: You know before you three left to come and find me, I did a bit of hacking and found some interesting details about you, little friend.

Gotuce face becomes confused.

Gotuce: What do you mean!?

Mimic: Heh.

Before Gotuce and Whispers eyes, Mimic turns into Gotuce's father, Son Goku.

Gotuce eyes widen and his breathing becomes panicked.

Gotuce: You.....

Mimic: Well isn't this a surprise, you do have a weakness! But how far does this pain truly go?

Mimic turns into Chi-Chi.

Mimic: You had power, but you didn't use it to save your parents.

Gotuce: I...I was just a kid! Dad just started training me!

Mimic: Then what about you brothers? Did you try to save them too?

Mimic turned into Gohan and then into Goten.

Mimic: Face it. You did nothing as you watched everything and everyone gets erased from existence.

Mimic said that with a malicious grin but the ground begins to steadily shake.

Mimic: Huh?

Mimic changes back to his original form.

Mimic changes back to his original form

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Mimic: Tch.

Mimic runs away and escapes.

After hearing all that, Whisper begins to approach Gotuce.

Whisper: 'Gotuce.....are you okay?'

Gotuce stays silent and he drops to his knees and hands before his hands are clenched tightly.

Gotuce eyes begin to swell up with tears.

Whisper looks in sadness but goes to find Tangle leaving Gotuce to process what had just happened.

Whisper finds the safe where Tangle is and uses her buzzsaw wispon to open it and come out Tangle.

Tangle: No more.....Let me out......

Whisper pickes up Tangle.

Whisper: 'Get up! There are bombs!'

Tangle: That's not good......Wait! Where's Gotuce!

Whisper looks at Tangle but remember what had happened.

Whisper: 'Gotuce got out. But we need to as well.'

Bombs go off and parts of the base explodes.

Tangle looks at the inside of the safe.

Tangle: Welp...I'm gonna hate this but.......

Tangle shoves Whisper in the safe as well as her and closes the door tight before the whole base explodes.

Once the explosion subsides, the safe lands outside of the wreckage and Tangle punches the door of the hinges.

Tangle gets out in releave.

Tangle: Air! Don't care if it smells like burning!

Whisper gets out and starts to look around for Gotuce.

Tangle: Oh crap...He wasn't messing around.....There isn't anything left, Whisper?

Whisper ignores her and Gotuce still on his knees but is clutching some kind of photo in his hands.

Tangle: Whisper?

Tangle looks around and sees Whisper heading to Gotuce.

Tangle: Whisper, Wait up!

Tangle runs up to see Whisper kneeling down to Gotuce height.

Tangle sees the state of Gotuce and becomes worried.

Tangle: What....what happened.

Whisper sees the photo of the entire Son Family with Gotuce being in the center of it.

Whisper sees the photo of the entire Son Family with Gotuce being in the center of it

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Gotuce still stays silent.

Whisper puts her hand on his shoulder which Gotuce reacts but it isn't much.

Tears begin to swell up before they breaks and run down his face.

Tangle uses her Tails and ensnares Gotuce's waist into a hug as Whisper joins as well

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Tangle uses her Tails and ensnares Gotuce's waist into a hug as Whisper joins as well.

This breaks Gotuce trance before he looks at Tangle and Whisper.

Gotuce: I.....I think it's time I tell you everything.

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