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A/n: I'm trying to be grammatically correct and capitalize everything 😒 Also I hope you enjoy the rewrites!

Mid 1979

The first time you met Andy was at a Police concert. It was rather nice that afternoon, and you were clinging to your copy of Otlandos d'Amour with shaky fingers. It wasn't because you were cold, but because you were excited about seeing your favorite band.

You had been a fan of The Police ever since you first heard Roxanne on the radio. You knew you had to find out who did it, and when you listened to their other stuff, you were instantly hooked.

You learned their names, what instruments they played, the lyrics to all their songs, and a lot of other little tidbits from magazines. And, that also meant you developed a crush. When you first saw them in one of their early music videos, you were infatuated with their guitarist, by the name of Andy Summers.

Andy was nothing short of amazing to you; talented, intriguing, fascinating, attractive, handsome, beautiful, you felt like you could go on and on. You wanted to know him, you wanted to be with him, but you knew you'd never have a chance. He was probably married, if not, he at least probably had a girlfriend.

So, you resorted to containing your inner feelings and just dancing along to the songs he played with his band.


You felt nervous and unsure as you waited in line to possibly meet one of the three. You could see them ahead of you, but they seemed so far away, and you had a bad feeling that you'd get shoved out of line.

But, to your surprise, you didn't, and were soon face to face in front of the man of your dreams.

All your words and possible sentences were blown away like dust as Andy flashed you a kind—and heart melting—smile and politely asked your name. You almost didn't hear him. You sensed other people behind you, and you felt rushed.

"Y-Y/n," You stuttered out, mentally slapping yourself. How could you stutter in front of your someone so important to you? But, to your relief, he smiled at you anyway. Little did you know that inside Andy's mind, you shocked him. He was blown away by your beauty; your appearance, your voice, your timidness, everything about you at his first glance was beautiful.

"Pretty name for a pretty girl," He couldn't stop himself from remarking. You blushed pure scarlet, and you almost felt as if no one was around you. Sting and Stewart greeted and signed things for the fans around and behind you, and it made you feel like you and Andy were the only two people there.

"C-can you sign this?" You asked as you slowly lifted your record. You felt shy, but Andy was flattered by your request. He smiled and gently took the record from your hand and scribbled his autograph onto it in the blue ink pen you brought.

"Would you like the others autographs as well?" He asked, looking at you from over the rim of his sunglasses. You nodded, and he politely excused himself. You saw him saying something to Sting and Stewart, but you couldn't hear them. There were too many other excited voices around you, and your head felt like it was spinning from disbelief.

Soon Andy came back and he handed you his record, your hands unintentionally brushing, making your face turn even more red. "T-thank you, it was an honor meeting you!" You told him as you slowly turned to leave.

"Uh—wait!" Andy halted you still in your tracks. "I wanted to ask for your number if I could?" He asked, and you almost couldn't believe it. Did you hear him correctly? "What?" You said, making sure you weren't dreaming.

"Yeah, your telephone number," Andy replied. Of course you knew what he meant, but what you didn't believe was that Andy Summers just asked you for your number. This was something that only ever happened in your dreams. Until now.

"Yeah, uh, sure," You said and frantically dug into your purse to grab a scrap of paper. You quickly wrote down your number, and Andy soon gave you his.

"Bye Y/n," He said as he smiled, and you slowly walked away backwards, still in disbelief. You merely waved, and once you got into your car everything hit you.

You just met your idol, you talked to him, the whole band signed your record, and now you have your crushes phone number? You pinched yourself, and you laughed when you felt the pain of it. This was reality, and you loved it.

You absolutely couldn't wait to see what the future had in store.

andy summers imaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang