Let Them Eat Cake

Start from the beginning

"Just a tiny bit?" Helena asked, looking up at her brother with big eyes.

He sighed and put a small piece on his fork and took it into his mouth.

"Are you happy now, sister?"


"Nora! Bart!" Iris exclaimed. "Not too much! You know you how you two get on sugar." The twins were already running amuck around the house by the time their mother called to them. "Barry-"

"On it, babe." He winked before dashing off after his kids.

"Daddy." Lian whispered. "Put this in your pocket." She gave him two handfuls of candy that she had swiped from the table.

"You remind me so much of your mother."

"I'm back!" Cassie said as she held the small baby in her arms. "Riley's diapers are no joke. What did I miss?"

"Literally the whole cake cutting." You told her.

"Aw, man!"

"I'll take her, and you take this." Anthony took the little girl and traded her with a plate of cake.

"Thanks, babe."

"Happy birthday, Jon!"

"Thanks, Helena!"

The two hugged and began to talk as they ate their cake.

"Helena and Jon sitting in a tree..." Bart whispered.

"K-I-S-S-I-N-G." Nora finished.

"Ew, gross!" Helena exclaimed.

"That's right, honey." Bruce told his daughter.

The house grew quieter as each family began to leave. The party continued until it was just your immediate family left.

"You got all your stuff, buddy?" Clark asked.


"Okay. Did you have fun?"


"I'm glad! We'll see you in a couple days."

"Bye, Zeeke." Jon said sadly.

"I'll see you on Sunday night."

"That's so long!"

"You can play with my presents while I'm gone."




"Bye, mom!"

"Bye, sweetie!"

Cassie and Anthony hugged Jon and wished him a happy birthday once again.

"Bye sweet baby." You whispered as you bounced Riley in your arms.

After all the goodbyes, you handed the baby to Cassie as the four of them headed out the door.

"See you soon!"

You closed the door behind them, and leaned your head against it with a sigh.

"Another year down." You said.

"Come on, Jon. It's bedtime." Clark told the boy as he picked him up.


"Tomorrow, I'll make pancakes."


"Goodnight, baby."

"Night, mommy!"

You gave him a kiss as you followed them up the stairs. You went into your room and got out your pajamas. About ten minutes flew by until Clark joined you in bed.

"He's out. For now at least."

"I give it twenty minutes."

"Now, about that mess downstairs."

"I swear I was going to get started. I'm just so tired-"

Before you could finish your sentence, he was off to tidy up all of the balloons, toys, and cake crumbs. Within a second, he was right back next to you.

"Already done." He smiled.

"It's so sexy when you do that."


He placed his hand on your cheek and pulled you closer to him. You smiled into the kiss as you put your hand on his chest.

"I miss you." You whispered.

"I'm right here."

"Clark, I miss you."


"I think we can squeeze it in before Jon wakes up and asks for something."

"Making love isn't something that you squeeze in, babe."

"Please, we haven't made love in like a year. What we do is more of a six minute exercise."

"You know what I mean."

"Look, I want more time with you so badly. But, we have two kids, full time jobs, and you have your Superman and Justice League duties. We're not always going to have time for other things."

"I know. I just miss you."

"I miss you too, baby."

"Mommy!" You heard from down the hallway. "I have to go potty!"

"You see?" You asked. "That's what I'm talking about."

"Yeah, I know."

You gave him one more kiss before getting up and walking to the door.

"But, I wouldn't trade it for anything."

Sweet Nothing (Clark Kent x Black!OC)-COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now