chapter 3 - The Meaning

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    Tsukishima had spent all night staring at the ring. He just couldn't seem to take his eyes off of it. He read, then reread the words ingraved on the inside of the ring. Then he found out the ring fit on his ring and pinky finger. But soon enough was enough and he placed the ring on his night stand and drifted off to sleep.
And now sunlight peaked through the dark blue curtains of Tsukishimas room. The light slowly creeped up and hit Tsuki straight in the eye. This caused the boy to groan and throw his arm over his face. After a few minutes he removed his arm and checked the time. A quick glimpse and Tsukishima rolled over to continue his slumber. But just as fast he was rushing to get dressed and run downstairs, he was late.

He was running down the side walk dodging and weaving through the other people walking about. In his rush this morning he snatched the ring off his dresser and now it sat loosely in his pocket. But that was the least of his worries because finally he could see the stone walls of the school, he was going to make it! He swore he could hear angels singing and a light shining near the building. His delusions didn't last long though as the singing caused him to lose focus and all he saw was a flash of green before falling right onto someone.

Everything happened so fast, the tink of metal hitting the ground, his limbs intertwined with someone else, and the immediate embarrassment.

Tsukishima sat up rubbing his head and groaning. He was going to turn around and ask the person if they were ok, but the all too familiar ring sitting a few feet in front of him was more important. It must have been in his pants and fell out when he crashed into that person. He adjusted his glasses and reached forward to grab the small, circular item. But instead was met with a smaller, paler hand. Tsukishima whipped his head to the side and was now met face to face with the green haired boy. Time seem to stop and he took into account the smallest details about the boy in front of him. The light freckles that cover his cheeks and nose. The light brown color in his eyes, the slight pink of his lips. In a blink of an eye the boy was now running in the opposite direction.

Tsukishima didn't even think about it, he grabbed his bag and ran towards the direction the boy went. He wasn't sure why but all he knew was that he couldn't let that boy get away, not again. His heart thudding in his ears matched his feet against the concrete. His arms throbbed from the recent bash with the ground. But his eyes stayed locked on the green in front of him.

They ran for a while. Tsukishima would call out for him to stop every once in a while but he was ignored. Finally the boy turned into a park and collapsed under a tree. Tsukishima slowed down to a walk and make a mental note to thank Daichi for all the running drills later.
Tsukishima stood in front of the boy watching him struggle to catch his breath. Tsuki looked up and noticed a slight breeze rustling the leaves above him. When he finally caught his breath, he spoke,

"Why do you keep running from me? All I want to do is talk to you." A few moments passed and the boy lifted up his hands and started making certain motions. Tsukishima  furrowed his eyebrows and was left visibly confused. The boy rolled his eyes and pointed to the bag slung around Tsukishimas shoulder. Obeying he passed the boy his light blue bag and watching his nimble fingers unzip it and dig around for a second. The boy pulled out the blondes math note book and his favorite pen. The boy wrote something, then scratched it out and repeated his process once or twice. He flipped the note book around and there, amongst the scribbled out letters, we're the words I'm deaf.

And suddenly everything clicked into place. Now, Tsukishima stood in front of a boy he had been chasing for days with a slacked jaw and feeling like a complete and utter dumbass.

(Sorry this was a shorter chapter!)

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