chapter 2 - The Green Haired Boy

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The next day his alarm had woken him up bright and early. He groaned and rolled over his hand desperately feeling the top of the dresser. When his fingers finally rested apon the alarm he smashed the off button then let his hand linger for a few seconds. Finally he swung his legs over the edge of his bed and stood up. The tall blonde dragged his feet across his bedroom, out the door, and into the bathroom. Staring in the mirror he cursed the dark circles under his eyes. Tsukishima turned on the faucet and splashed his face with ice cold water hoping it would make him look more alive, it didn't.

He sighed and trudged his way back towards his bedroom. Tsukishima threw on his uniform, ran his hands through his hair, grabbed his bag, and headed downstairs.

The smell of toast and morning coffee lingered in the air. When he reached the bottom of the stairs his brother noticed him and smiled.

"Sleep well baby brother?" A smile was still plastered on his face as handed a plate of toast to Tsukishima. The blonde simply groaned and took the plate gratefully.

Although his response was short and half assed it wasn't a lie. Tsukishima was restless, all night he couldn't stop thinking about how the interaction with the green haired boy was going to play out. Yet all he could do was try to push those thoughts aside and focus on right now. So he put on his shoes, waved his brother goodbye, and headed out the door.

The weather was usually cold for it being the beginning of may. He could see the condensation from his breath every time he exhaled. Unfortunately for Tsukishima this long walk to school gave him even more time to think. And every time his mind wandered back to the green haired boy his heart rate spiked.

But after what felt like and eternity his walk was over as he passed through the school gates. He was relived because now he would have something else to focus on.

His relief was soon cut short though. He didn't catch a single word of what his teachers were saying. Instead he would stare blankly forward, his mind elsewhere. The whole day was spent like this, even lunch was spent just staring at his food.
When the last bell of the day finally rang Tsukishima was frustrated. He couldn't believe he had spent the whole day worrying about such a small matter. He was determined to make practice different, he was going to try.

But all his efforts were soon tainted as his performance was off. He was constantly missing blocks. All of his serves would hit the net or only make it a few feet in front of him. But this didn't just effect him, it affected the whole team and he knew that. Hinata and Kageyama kept blaming each other. The small red head saying that maybe if Kageyama had better sets Tsukishima would be doing better. His logic made no sense but Kageyama fought back with his own useless logic as well.

When Daichi yelled to end practice Tsukishima got out as fast as he could. He knew Daichi and Suga would try and figure out what was wrong with him. But he didn't feel like having that conversation at the moment. What mattered right now was getting to the boy before he lost his nerve.

Tsukishima slung his bag over his shoulder and made his way over to the tree he saw that boy under. As his feet brought him closer Tsukishima saw the boy was leaning against the tree reading a book, his back was facing Tsukishima. His heart start to race more and more the closer he got. When he was finally behind the boy he cleared his throat and spoke,

"Hey, why do you always sit there and watch us?"


The boy had not responded but instead kept on reading. Tsukishima was no longer nervous but rather annoyed. He took a step closer and noticed the boy figeting with something in his fingers.

"I'm talking to you. Don't you know it's rude to ignore people?"

Once again Tsukishima was met with silence. Only the sound of a turning page and the voices of students in the distance.

Finally Tsukishima had enough and nudged the green haired boy in the back with his foot. The boy flinched and immediately whipped his head around. His eyes were wide and he looked startled. But it didn't last long before the boy took his eyes off Tsukishima and started feeling around in the grass. Tsukishima took his chance to finally be heard.

"Jeez you don't have to freak out-" his sentence was cut short as a voice behind him bellowed out.

"Tsukishima! Tsukishima, what are you doing over there?" Annoyed he turned around to see who had ruined the moment he had been thinking about all day.

When he saw two figures jumping up and down waving at him, he knew exactly who they were. Nishinoya and Tanaka, impeccable timing, as always. He simply rolled his eyes and turned around to finish his one way convo. But he was too late, there sat a butt print in the grass but no person to take its place. Tsukishima flicked his eyes upward to see the green haired boy was already 10 steps ahead of him.

"He must have found what he was looking for and left." Tsukishima thought to himself. He sighed and he too was about to walk away. But almost like fate the sun had caught something perfectly in the grass and Tsukishima was now on his hands and knees looking for what he just saw. When his fingers finally hit metal in the cool blades of grass he smiled. He examined this new item in his hand, it was a small ring with a chrysanthemum flower engraved into the top. And upon even further examination he noticed writing on the inside of the ring.

"What one cannot hear one will feel"

Tsukishima was a little confused. What kind of a quote was that? He dismissed the cheesy quote and shoved the ring in his pocket. Just in time too as just then two people came bouncing up behind him.
An arm was thrown around Tsukishimas shoulder as he was now bending over and eye level with Tanaka.

"What are you doing over here?"

"Yeah, and who were you talking to?" Nishinoya chimed in.
The two boys stared and Tsukishima, curiosity burning in their eyes. Tsukishima threw Tanakas arm off of his shoulders and headed in the direction he saw the green haired boy leave.

"I wasn't talking to anybody." He stopped a few steps away and turned back around. "Tell Daichi I'm sorry and I'll talk to him tomorrow." Then he continued forward, his fingers fidgeting with the ring in his pocket. Nishinoya and Tanaka were left standing under the tree sharing confused glances.

Authors note:Btw a chrysanthemum is Novembers birthday flower. It's a very pretty flower, look it up.

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