Chapter 1: Independence Day

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Years have passed since the incident with the giant robot that Nathan defeated. After Diamondhead's identity got revealed as a ten-year-old boy, Nathan got scolded by the Flash for heading into danger. But he was not the only one scolded. After the giant robot incident, both Nathan and his father were taken into the police's hands for further questioning.

Thomas explained everything that has happened that day about the watch that was latched onto Nathan's left arm. The police couldn't believe the story as it was so unreal, but they couldn't think of a better conclusion. The police suggested they should examine the unknown device on the boy's wrist, as Thomas thought it was a good idea as well.

Nathan was brought to many places. A hospital, scientific labs, and even the Batcave. Even if he was brought to all those places none of them had a clear idea of what the device was. It was far more advanced than anything they had available or seen, they weren't even to examine it thoroughly as the material the watch was made of was unbreakable. So of course that means Nathan couldn't remove it at all, but he didn't mind.

Not only did the police know about the watch but the entire world knew soon after. The day Nathan destroyed the robot as Diamondhead, it was caught on film and uploaded to the internet. At first, nobody knew about it, but as time went by Nathan would use the watch in various situations. There was even a time he met another Diamondhead named Tetrax and found out the watch was called the Omitrix and it was the most powerful weapon in the galaxy. Of course, Nathan would use the Omnitrix for childish schemes with Wally's help. A blogger named Jimmy Jones took an interest in these extraterrestrial sightings and started to piece things together. He noticed that most aliens had an hourglass symbol somewhere on their bodies that resembled a certain boy with a unique watch. Thus, he revealed Nathan McKnight and the Omnitrix. Soon after the press would go to Nathan's house and harass him with questions. He was very popular with people and the media when they found out about the Omnitrix as people were interested in the most powerful device in the galaxy and its wielder.

5 years later

Central City; July 4th; 11:03 CDT

Today was the day that all the sidekicks, including Nathan, were going to be inducted into the Justice League. The three were on their way to the Hall Of Justice when they got a report that Captain Cold was robbing a jewelry store.

Kid Flash: Oh come on!

XLR8: Doesn't he have anything else better to do?

Flash: Alright you two enough whining. We'll just pop over there, kick his butt and go meet up with the others.

Kid Flash and XLR8 let out a groan and headed over to where Captain Cold was. The three of them got there and started to fight him. Flash, XLR8, and Kid Flash started running around him, and Cold started shooting at them but kept missing. He tried shooting at the Flash but he missed hitting a car and completely encasing it in ice.

Flash: "Stealing ice? Really? Isn't that a big cliché for even Captain Cold?"

Kid Flash: [irritated] Come on. We don't have time for this!

Kid Flash slips his red goggles over her malachite green eyes, cutting out of the circle and heading for Cold's turned back. However, his talking gave him away and Cold turns towards the sound of his voice. Cold Gun aimed at the teen. He dodges, some of the ice hitting his shoulder as he turns away from the stream and takes his cold gun away from him. XLR8 speeds toward and knocks Cold to the ground.

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