Chapter Five : Orion's Garden

Start from the beginning

Students were running towards the food court and some were away towards the dorm areas. She sighed and thought of Darian.

She was too packed with orientation and first week of classes, she did not get the time to chat with him. It should be his orientation week this time, so she chose to leave him a short message just in case he had the time to reply to her.

"Hey :) how's orientation? Made any new friends? I'm sorry I couldn't contact u before, it was so hectic. U don't have to reply to me ASAP tho. Take ur time. Miss you."

Astra shoved her phone into her jean's pocket after sending the message, and went to the mini library to find a book to read. The shelves were arranged facing each other. Two on the left, and the other two on the right. Left for the novels, and right for the comics. She went to the comic section since she estimated that it would not be long until her food would be ready.

"I wish they have horror. I miss reading that genre." She muttered to herself while looking for the comic that suit her requirement.

"I think those are on the second shelves."

Astra jumped at a voice that came from behind her. She rubbed her chest slowly and tried to calm her self down.

"Jesus! You scared me."

Aiden smiled at Astra, feeling proud that he managed to scare someone in broad daylight and in a cafe, at that.
He walked towards her and stood next to her.

"I'm sorry, I thought you noticed me. I was standing right there at the novel section."

Astra sent him a quick glare, and rolled her eyes. How could she have noticed him? Her eyes and attention were fully on the bookshelves. And he was near the second shelf, which made it harder for her to spot him in that tiny space.

"I'm sorry I didn't see you, your highness. Perhaps make a noise to announce your whereabouts? So that this subject can humbly greet you before making her way into a public space."

Aiden raised his eyebrow at Astra's sarcastic response. Clearly, she did not seem like someone who would be throwing sarcastic remarks. In fact, she looked shy and reserved. At least those were his first impressions of her during their first meeting.

Aiden crossed his arms across his chest, and stepped closer to Astra.

"Didn't expect that from you, Evans. But yes, I might as well make myself more stood out next time. Wouldn't want you to be scared out of your wits like that again, aren't we?"

Astra gasped and covered her mouth. She did not know what came over her, but she was not planning to respond to Aiden with sarcasm. That was not how she would act with a stranger. She muttered a soft "sorry" and turned around to leave for her seat.

She was stopped by Aiden, who was holding onto her wrist.

He let her wrist go when she turned around, and apologized.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to come off as rude for touching you without any consent. I apologize for that.'m sorry if I make you uncomfortable. Did I say something wrong?"

Astra was feeling all sort of surprises at that moment. He was the first man to apologize for touching her without consent, other than Darian. But then again, he was her only friend. It was new to her. Aiden and the whole situation.

In her opinion, it was a sad reality, that asking for consent is deem as something new and fresh, when it was just the bare minimum. Regardless the genders or sexual identities, consent should be present in any interaction.

Astra shook her head.

"It's okay, Aiden. Thank you for apologizing. I just thought I was being quite impolite to you. We are practically strangers, and I gave you the sarcasm you did not deserve to be honest. I'm sorry. "

It was now Aiden's turn to shook his head.

"Oh, no I quite enjoy the sarcasm. It was unexpected, but I truly am fine with it. No need to be sorry, Astra. I hope I don't make you feel uncomfortable, that's what matters."

They both gave each other a small smile, and both collectively agrees that they would drop the matter there.

"Anyways, you're here alone? Where's that tall friend of yours?" Aiden asked as he looked around the cafe.

"Ah, Skye has class right now. It's just me."

Aiden clicked his fingers and smiled.

"Then I hope you won't mind if I join you?"

Astra thought about that for a few seconds before she nod her head. They both headed towards her table with the books they respectively picked. As soon as they reached the table, Astra's buzzer vibrated and she excused herself to take her food and drink.

Aiden ordered a slice of cheesecake and a cup of Iced Latte with caramel drizzle and choco chip.

They both looked at their food with awe in their eyes.

"I really am thankful for the existence of food. These look so good." Astra said as she snapped a picture of her food and sent it to Skye.

Aiden nod his head vigorously. "Food is just everything. And coffee is my baby. I just can't go on my day without at least one cup of coffee."

Their conversation was going all over the place, in a good way. They talked about hometowns, hobbies, movies, and even politics and books.

Astra could not believe it, but that day was going so well and she actually felt comfortable talking with Aiden. Something about him just made her felt comfortable engaging in a conversation. She was afraid to say it out loud, but she found herself liking his company.


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