Chapter Three : Hugs aren't enough

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Astra had another 10 minutes before she had to go through the checkup gate. That was also a whole extra 10 minutes for her to be with Darian.

Darian and her took a few selfies together before she finally walked towards the checkup station.

They hugged for the last time. Astra chuckled once they let go.

"Something amuse you, Evans?"

Astra shook her head. "Nothing. It's just that, we've hugged a lot today. Like A LOT."

Darian chuckeld as well.

"Well, it's the first time we will be far away from each other. And...I really hope you won't forget me when you gain new friends in uni. I mean it."

Darian was being serious in that moment. Astra knew it. She knew everything about him. Whether he was being playful or serious. Whether he was being sad, angry, happy, excited, or disappointed.

Astra nod her head. Of course she would not forget him. How could she, when he was her only friend? When she always had difficulties in starting conversations with people?

"I won't, Flynn. And you, better not abandon me when you find new friends, or a girlfriend."

That last part left a bitter taste in her mouth. She might have loved him, but she would not be the controlling friend who drives people away from her own crush. She wanted him to be happy. Even if it was not meant to be with her.

"Pfft. Girlfriend?? I'd be busy with football, and definitely busy with trying to score a good scholarship program too. No time for girlfriend."

Astra smiled at him. This time, she was the one pulled him into a hug for a real last time.

"Are hugs even enough to say our goodbyes?" Darian said while resting his chin on her shoulder.

"I guess they won't be. But that's all we can do for now."

They let go and gave each other assuring smiles. To assure each other that they both would be fine. That they were now facing another level in adulting.

Astra waved goodbye to him and went through the checkup scanner.


Darian went silent as he watched Astra's  back disappeared behind the immigration station.

He turned away and walked back to his car. He did not do anything for a few minutes, pondering on the friendship he had with Astra. He knew they would be apart at some point in life. That is what adulting has always been afterall. But he was not ready.

Darian would not say he felt anything above friendship towards Astra, but it was not as simple as being friends as well. He could not find the right word to describe how he felt about parting ways with Astra. One thing he was certain about was that he wanted Astra to be a part of his life. As a friend or a lover? He had no idea.


Astra's flight reached the new town at around 1 p.m. She wanted to have lunch first but her priority was to get to the dorm early.

So Astra bought a sandwich from the airport and left for campus.

It was a new place, and a new culture. She loved it.

Being the wallflower she was, Astra was unexpectedly, the most introverted extrovert. She would not get involved with situations that required her to be socializing with new or many people, but she enjoyed new places and new adventures.

Astra ordered a Grab ride and it was just around the corner. She managed to get to the dorm room earlier than her other roommate. She picked the right side of the room, which had the view of the ocean nearby, and also had the better wall.

Definitely better side of the room, she thought to herself.

After unpacking all her things, Astra decided to head towards the cafeteria to grab an early dinner.

The cafeteria was not as packed as she expected it would be. Orientation week was not due in another 4 days, so not all first years had arrive in campus yet. Astra chose to buy some Malaysian food from a Sabahan lady at one of the counters inside the cafeteria.

Astra's mother is a Malaysian born SinoKadazan (mix of Chinese and KadazanDusun), making her growing experience a bit more diverse. She remembered that her mother would occasionally cook Malaysian food for the family. Her personal favourite would be the Malay's Nasi Lemak, Chinese's Ngau Chap, Indian's Biryani Rice with Rendang meat , and the KadazanDusun's Hinava.

Astra ordered a plate of Nasi Lemak and a glass of orange juice. Perfect combination for her. While she was having her early dinner, a group of people walked into the cafeteria. They were all in sportswears.

Must've been playing either badminton or volleyball, she thought.

One particular face among the crowd seemed really familiar to her. The tall brunet with his piercing green eyes were talking to his friends, until he locked eyes with Astra. His eyes widened and he excused himself from the group and walked towards her.

Astra had never been a huge fan of attention, and now the attention of almost the whole cafeteria was on her. She cursed under her breath and was planning whether to stay and run away.

Her planning was cut short because the tall brunet reached her table and sat in front of her.

"Astra! Oh my god, you're here."

Astra tried to hide one side of her face from their audience and gave him a sheepish smile.

"Jer, hey! Yeah, here I am, hehehe...I totally forgot you go here."

Jeremiah Yvan Flynn, Darian's oldest brother. Astra actually forgot he went to the same university. It must had slipped her mind because she was obviously focused on Darian most of the time.

Jeremiah flashed her one of his famous smile and she swear she could hear a few girls behind her giggling. She guessed that the eldest Flynn must had been quite the popular one on campus.

"I was waiting for you. Darian told me your flight is today. I didn't expect you to arrive this early. How was it, your journey on the way here?"

Astra felt herself to be a bit more comfortable now. She felt like they were both respectively 13 and 17 again. As close as she was with Darian, Jeremiah was also a part of their friendship. He was the one who chaperoned for Darian everytime Astra and Darian went to play at the park and the beach. He was like her own brother. He was also the one who informed her to come early to campus to choose the dorm room. She blamed herself internally for forgetting the fact that he went to the same university when he provided her a very useful tip.

"Oh, my journey was okay. Thanks to your advice, I get to pick the better side of the dorm room." She smiled proudly at Jeremiah, making him ruffled his hand through her wavy hair.

"Jer! You mess up my hair. You know it's hard to make it look... presentable at the very least."

They both laughed and carried on with their conversation until it was time for Jeremiah to go for his night class. He was a Medic student and was in his final year too. They bid goodbye and she went back to her room. The attention was no longer on her, but she definitely caught a few people whispering while looking at her.

Astra sighed at that. She never wanted this kind of attention. It was better back at home because Jeremiah attended a boy school, so it was just Darian. But Darian was always lowkey at school, making her life easier as his best friend.

"Dear year 2019, please be nice to me." She prayed silently before entering her dorm building.


So, I finally introduce a new character to you all. I present to you, the charming Jeremiah Yvan Flynn :D

What do you think about him so far?

This author would also like to thank all of you who are still here. I do hope this story provides even a bit of joy for you.

Until the next chapter, I wish you all good health and safety 🖤

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