Season 1 - Part 4

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Note: I DO NOT own My Hero Academia or One Punch Man so don't report me. This is for entertainment purposes only and I hope you enjoy the chapter.

We continue where we left off as Izuku, Kirishima and Akiyama meet up with All Might and the rest of 1-A in the monitor room.

All Might: Now then. Can anyone tell me who the MVP was in this exercise?

Yaoyorozu: Yes, sir. It was Midoriya. He concocted a strategy with Kirishima, used his quirk in an efficient manner to keep himself unscathed, as well as giving Kirishima time to locate the bomb, and aiding Kirishima against Akiyama, securing their victory. Bakugou went out of his way to engage Midoriya without cooperating with Akiyama, as well as causing unnecessary damage to the building. Akiyama, due to Bakugou leaving her alone, had no choice but to stand guard and protect the bomb. And Kirishima, frankly, could have simply tried sneaking inside rather than challenging Akiyama head on.

Kirishima: But sneaking in would've been unmanly!

All Might: Ahem! Couldn't have said it better myself, Young Yaoyorozu. Now, onto the next match!

He said as Todoroki and Shoji played the heroes while Ojiro and Hagakure played the villains.

Uraraka: You did great out there, Midoriya! Bakugou couldn't even touch you! You have a really strong quirk!

Izuku: Oh, uh . . . thank you, Uraraka.

He says with a slight blush on his cheeks from her compliment.

Kirishima: Hey, Akiyama.

Akiyama: Yeah?

Kirishima: I never realized this, but man, you are tall and jacked!

Akiyama: That's a compliment, right?

Kirishima: Of course! How tall are you, anyway?

Akiyama: Six feet and two inches.

Kirishima: Cool! And about your muscles, you pack a helluva punch. You got a special workout routine?

Akiyama: Actually, yeah. Want me to tell you?

Kirishima: I'd appreciate it! I've been working out for years and have never gotten that ripped!

He says with enthusiasm, making Akiyama laugh.

Akiyama: You know what, Kirishima? I like you. Wanna trade contacts?

Kirishima: Hell yeah!

He said as the two exchanged phone numbers.

The second matchup ended rather quickly thanks to Todoroki freezing the entire building with his ice quirk, rendering Ojiro and Hagakure immobile.

All Might: Next up is Team F as the heroes and Team J as the villains!

He said as Sero & Uraraka enter the building first, playing the villain team.

The bomb was on the third floor this time as Uraraka and Sero strategized.

Sero: So how's this?

He says, using his tape quirk all around the room between the bomb and the doorway.

Uraraka: That's great! Even if they get here, the tape will slow them down! Now my turn!

She says, using her zero gravity quirk on her and Sero's costumes.

Uraraka: It's not much, but since Ida's pretty fast, I figure it'd be best for us to carry less weight.

Sero: Wow, I actually notice the difference. Your quirk's pretty cool.

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