Chapter 2: Adapting...

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     "Thank you sir", they said, grateful.  "No problem." Present Mic replied, with a wide grin.

Boboiboy POV

     I just woke up to see myself in a place where all was white. I looks around so drips being attached to my body, some other medical equipments were there. That's when I realised that I was in a hospital.'When last have I been in a hospital?' I thought.

     I removed the syringes attached to me. "Ouch", I whined. The next thing I did was to look for my watch and hat. When I didn't see them, I started panicking. Someone opened the door shortly after I realised my watch was missing. When I saw it was a nurse, I calmed down a bit.

     I asked where my watch and hat were. She said my friends took it. I got paranoid about it so I asked her to describe them. She said, "One was with a dark purple and black outfit and had violet hair, while one had a pink outfit throughout with brown hair although she covers it with an hijab and another one was with the blue and yellow outfit. Well the last one was a bit chubby with the red and white headband and a green and yellow shirt." I calmed down as I just realised she just described Fang, Yaya, Ying and Gopal respectively.

     The nurse asked me why I removed the syringes of the drips. I answered her that I've been through worse and recovered without medical attention. I shouldn't have said that because I think I traumatised the nurse 'cause before she left the room, she screamed just from seeing her shadow (I know right?). Well I didn't mean to do that. After some minutes, I wanted to rest again 'cause I saw the time was 10:58 PM; but then someone who was disguised with a cloak (Which was overshadowing his face BTW), came into my hospital room and dropped a box with a note. It said,'I will meet you again Boboiboy. Very soon.'

     I didn't complete it 'cause I was curious who the mysterious person was, so I ran after him but so no one in the hallway I returned to my room and continued reading note which wrote, 'I am someone you know very well. Good luck.' I switched off the and told myself that I'll be opening the cardboard box tomorrow.

Narrator POV

     Some days passed and Boboiboy got better and better fast (Our boy is fast in recovering). Gopal was having hell learning a new language (Yeah, I know he could adapt to a mop alien's language quickly but learning and writing Japanese could be pretty hectic).

     Fang, Gopal, Ying and Yaya woke up and went downstairs. Yaya, Fang and Ying went straight to the kitchen while Gopal whipped out his phone and started playing his video games.

     Yaya started looking for some ingredients when Fang and Ying saw her doing that, they inwardly thanked God that there were no ingredients to make her cookies. When she saw there were no ingredients to make her cookies she sighed and made Sushi instead which everyone enjoyed (I wonder why she's good at cooking up other foods) but not cookies.

      Present Mic had woken up and gotten prepared to go to the hospital earlier 'cause he received a call.

     There was a knock on the door so Fang went to answer it. He opens the door to see Present Mic there.

     "Oh, a very good morning sir... When did you leave Mr. Yamada?" Fang asked.

     "What's up little listener? I received a call from the hospital and they told me your friend was awake." By this time, the others had joined Fang.

     "Wait, Bbb's awake?!" Gopal asked. He was looking forward to seeing Boboiboy again 'cause he was having a rough time. "Oi, what'd you hear me say little listener? Now-" Present Mic said but was cut off by an excited Gopal.

BOBOIBOY X BNHA CROSSOVER: Hero In Another World; Part 1Where stories live. Discover now