The loss of the connection, the loss of the magic made Leah feel weak in an instant and she fell back into the already waiting arms of Fred, who pulled her close to him as he stroked her hair. Black spots covered her eyes, but to her surprise she didn't black out, and after a few minutes she saw Harry sitting worried across from her, holding her hand. Fred offered her a coke, and she drank it in one go, the sugar helped her bring her dizziness down and she pulled herself up.

"How do you feel?" Fred asked, rubbing her back gently.

"Dizzy and tired, but otherwise." She craned her neck to look at her boyfriend, who smiled down at her before placing a sweet kiss on her forehead.

"You're getting better."

"Hm." She hummed as she looked back to Harry. The moment they locked eyes, Harry threw himself at her, wrapping his arms around her, his head nestled in her neck. "Hey, it's okay." She whispered as she put her hand on his back as he started to shake. They hold one to each tight while Fred went to make some tea.

"Thank you." Harry said once he had pulled back, drying his eyes. "I know it takes a lot from you..."

"It's actually getting better, last time I was out for like seven hours. I'm so happy you got to see your mum."

"And your aunt Lily." He managed a smile. "Uhm, Leah? Was she talking about your sister?"

"Yes, Addie. I believe the twins might have told you about her?"

"Yeah, she was your twin right, identical like Fred and George?"

"She died when I was young. I haven't seen her, my Nan said I wasn't ready before."

"I would like to hear about her, and about when you were younger. If it's not too hard."

"No, I would love to talk about her. But I think I'll like to be a little more comfortable." She chuckled as she stood up. They both walked to the couch and Fred came in with a new pot of tea. After placing it down on the coffee table, he sat behind Leah as she was turned to Harry, leaning his head on one hand and the other rested on her thigh.

The cousins talked well into the night, talking about their childhoods, school, the muggle world. Fred was already snoring slightly next to her as they talked, his head hanging on the edge of the couch. George came back from his date with Hermione a few hours ago and snickered as he saw his twin drooling. He gave her a kiss on the cheek, said hi to Harry and ran up the stairs as he nicked a plate of cookies.

Leah loved, loved, loved the twins' shop. She loved the magic that flowed through it, she loved the loud noises and busy crowd, she loved the product and the utter brilliance around it. So, now she was delighted to see the other side of it. After opening the shop with George, Fred was still snoring in their bed, they made their way to the backroom as Verity took over. With a wave of his wand, a few cauldrons flew over and landed on the large desk. Leah stood against the wall as she watched George prepare everything, unsure what to do herself. When George put the last ingredient on the table, he looked up to her with a grin.

"What're you standing there for? You won't learn anything from way over there. Come here." He gestured her over. She walked over and placed herself next to George and looked at him expectantly. "Today we're just making extra puking pastilles, fever rush, itch-like-a-bitch. Here are the instructions." He tapped his index finger on the notebook between them. "I'll go over every step. You have your cauldron and I have mine, just ask if you have any questions, alright?" When she nodded, he started with the first steps. "Grab some boomslang skin."

The worked together well, to her surprise it went easier than expected. Those two Weasley boys could make everything look easy. It certainly helped that George kept joking around as the music blared through the room. She was swaying slightly as she tossed the mushrooms in the pot, making a puff of smoke appear. She blew the smoke away and saw George grinning at her.

"A natural." He winked.

Leah scoffed at him. "Hardley. No, just a good teacher and making something more fun than an antidote for common potions."

"You should see every potion as an opportunity." George said, and when he saw her raised eyebrow, he added. "You can do so much with them, you can heal people, transform things, make the best joke in the world. Once you're used to making potions, you can experiment, just like we do in the kitchen.

"Huh." She said more to herself as she thought his words over. "I like that point of view."

"Thought you would." He grinned. "Come on, let's get some lunch for us and the others."

"What about?" She pointed to the cauldrons. George waved his wand over it, putting them on a stasis, she saw Hermione and the twins do before. "Alright, let's-Aaaah!" She shrieked laughed as George tossed her over his shoulder. "Fuck George, you nearly gave me a heart attack! What are you doing?" She asked as he started to walk towards the shop.

"Told you, lunch." He laughed as they entered the busy shop, full of kids. "Ah, twin-o-mine, you're here." George clapped Fred on the shoulder, who looked amused at the pair.

"Yeah." He grinned. "Arrived about an hour ago but Verity needed help at the register. What are you two up to?"

"Lunch." Leah said, her head still facing the other side as she leaned on her hand. Already giving up trying to get out of George's strong grip.

"Well..." Fred appeared in front of her with a smile. "Bring me some fish and chips." He kissed her lightly.

"Aren't you going to say anything?" She pouted as she pointed to George's head.

"Won't do any good, love." He kissed her again before George hopped out of the shop, people laughing as they went by. She glared playfully at her boyfriend, who had resumed his spot behind the register before the door closed before her eyes. But still George held her tight on his shoulder, only when they reached the muggle pub, he had put her down.   

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