A sleepless night

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Kennys POV:
I shuffle around under my thin sheets uncomfortably, I couldn't fall asleep. Aside from the rats and filthy atmosphere, I could also hear my parents arguing on the other side of my even thinner walls. "I hope Kevin is comforting Karen right now" I muttered to my self as I shifted my position so that I now lay on my side facing the door. I was spacing out until a sudden thought appeared in my mind, WAIT ISN'T VALENTINES DAY AFTER TOMORROW!?. I layed there flabbergasted, I had totally forgotton all about that. To be perfectly honest though I most likely had forgotton because I was single, so the day had no meaning for me, it just stood there as a reminder of my relationship status. Then suddenly another thought emerged in my mind wait...what if I... confess to....him? My cheeks warmed up a little by the thought.

I have had a crush on Butters since 7th grade, but I was too nervous to confess back then. Butters is also one of my closest friends aside from Stan, Kyle and Cartman, so I feared that if he didn't feel the same way our friendship would've been ruined. But now that we're freshmen we haven't been as close lately, I've noticed how much closer Butters and Cartman are now and it makes me feel jealous and a bit left out. I don't really want to be the jealous type, but I can't help that Butters was a special friend to me, also Cartman was pretty much my closest best friend aswell. Since the two have become closer, I've been hanging out with Stan and Kyle more which is always nice and they are both my best friends too, but I end up feeling like a third wheel because of how very close the two "Super Best Friends" are. To be honest though I think of them as "Super Boy Friends" instead, but I keep that to myself so I can still hangout with them without making things awkward for us.

Butters and Cartman sit together on the bus now too which sucks for me because I have no one else to sit with. I now have to sit with random people I'm not close with at all, because everyone I did know or was friends with were in pairs sitting together, this of course includes Cartman and Butters who were the only two people I usually sat with and now they were sitting with each other.

But in the end I still have feelings for Butters, and with how things are going now I need to confess to him soon before we become too distant. I thought to myself when would be a good time to tell him how I feel, hmmm what if I....no that won't work..... how about..... nope that's not right either..., then the perfect idea had struck me, ohh wait I can confess to him on Valentines day!!!. It was brilliant I could come up with something for Valentines day and confess to him! Thinking of this plan made me excited for tomorrow, I could get help from the guys, they must have some ideas on how I could do this!!! I thought.

But then I realized before I start going crazy about this idea I need some rest first, so I can come up with something great for Valentines day. Now that I was more relaxed and in a better mood I tried my best to get comfortable and closed my eyes. The very thought of confessing to Butters gave me slight butterflies, I then smiled, drowned out my parents arguing and began to drift off to sleep on my small, dirty and uncomfortable bed.

655 words~ April 25th, 2023
Fuck art I ain't doing that shit I'm lazy
Crab Caviar~ 🦀

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