M i r i a m | t w e l v e

Start from the beginning

"Aye-aye captain," Wes and Miriam said simultaneously.

"You two are ridiculous," Esther laughed. She then shooed them away, shouting hurry, hurry, hurry while they donned their jackets, tied their laces and slipped back into the sterile hallway.

Wes called the lift which was, thankfully, still on Esther's floor. The doors opened seamlessly, and they piled inside. Wes leaned against one of the stainless-steel walls while Miriam stationed herself in front of the large mirror. Turning her head left and right, she fluffed her braids at the root before collecting them in a high ponytail.

"I prefer your hair down." Wes stepped from his corner and placed a hand on Miriam's shoulder. She leaned into his touch and released her hair, leaving it to spill over her shoulders where Wes gathered her braids and moved them to one side. "If you need me tonight, like at any point, even if I'm on my way to the bathroom, just—"

"Itch my nose?" Miriam grinned.

"You remember?" They came with the ritual back when they were thirteen, hadn't used it in years.

"How could I forget," Miriam said.

Wes smiled just as the doors slid open. He stepped back, the warmth of his presence dissipating in seconds, and headed into the small foyer, hurrying to open the door. Miriam bobbed past, thanking him, and they fell into step, taking the first left until Wes' car came into view. He unlocked the vehicle and clambered into the driver's seat while Miriam plopped beside him. She reached for the radio the moment he stuck the keys in the ignition, connected her phone to the aux cord and picked up their road trip playlist from where it left off.

"So about last night," Wes said.

Miriam's core tightened. She didn't want to think about last night, let alone hear about it. He'd been honest, that was enough, the dirty details could wait.

"I didn't think it would be a problem bringing El home," he explained.

"El?" Miriam sniffed.

"Yeah. We used to hang out, but I would've never brought her back if I thought it would be a big deal."

"It's not a big deal," Miriam said, forcing the brightest smile she could muster. "It was a little weird, but we're both free to date whoever."

"Woah." Wes raised a hand. "El and I are not dating."

"Yes." Miriam rolled her eyes. "How could I forget? You don't date."

"That's not true," Wes said with a laugh.

"Name one person you've dated in the past five years?"

His grip visibly tightened on the steering wheel, and he shrugged. "That's beside the point."

Miriam snorted. "So what is the point?"

"The point is—"

"Because you're allowed to date or do whatever it is you do," she said.

"I didn't realise I needed your permission."

Miriam closed her eyes and sunk lower in her seat. Of course he didn't need her permission, in the same way she didn't need his, but then it wasn't like she was bringing every single random Tom, Dick and Harry to their flat. If she were she was almost certain he'd have something to say, and yet she took a deep breath, pinched the bridge of her nose, and said, "You don't. I just mean that of course you bringing El back wasn't a big deal. I could care less. Whatever makes you happy, you know."

"You could care less?" His voice was barely above a whisper, so quiet Miriam turned sharply, eyes tracing the taut line of his jaw and rapidly blinking eyes. It was almost like he was hurt. But that didn't make sense, couldn't.

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