CHAPTER 2: Unexpected Delight

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It seemed that life wasn't in your favor at this moment.. you wouldn't wish this upon your worst enemy! Actually, you could wish this upon your worst enemy.. he was your new partner.

He skated over to you and bowed politely, as if all the boiling hatred and rivalry inside him faded.. leaving genuine positive interest and eagerness to work with you. Of course, you knew he was just acting for the purpose of fame and reputation.. you bowed as well, mouthing "A pleasure to be partners with you" as the people in their seats stood up and cheered, some even being extra and throwing confetti of sorts at all the skaters, including you both.

The announcer spoke through the speakers, "Thank you! Please return to your rooms with your partners."

Return to our rooms? With our partners?.. That explained why all the rooms had two sets of beds. You didn't mind at first, skating out of the rink and towards your crew as they helped you change out into normal attire.. but then the realization set in, your heart coming to an abrupt pause and the anger you internally felt earlier rising and flowing throughout your body bit by bit.

"A room with Wally? A room with WALLY. FUCKING. DARLING?" If your pupils could change their forms, they'd be big balls of crackling flames, emerging from the deepest pits of what people who fear eternal punishment call "Hell".

Your crew looked at each other, then looked at you. Some of them are concerned, while others are resisting the urge to let out a laugh or two. One crew member steps up to you, placing a hand on your shoulder to comfort you before speaking in a light tone,

"They thought it would be a good idea to let the new partners bond with one another.. get to know the other, y'know? But.. we know about your strong rivalry with Wally Darl-"

"You don't call him 'Wally', just to make him mad, we call him 'Wallace'," You grinned, placing your hands on your hips proudly as you walked away.

The crew followed along with you, Wally's crew behind them with Wally leading them as if he were a military general. You could hear him making those snarky remarks, and buttering himself up.. How full of himself was he? Deciding to rain on his parade a bit, you turned your head and laughed a bit, staring directly at him. The random laughter while looking at him caused him to raise an imaginary brow slightly and place his hand cockily on his hip.

"Have something to say, Y/N?"

"Heh.. I do, actual-"

"Well whatever it is, can it wait? I'm trying to have a conversation with my crew."

"About me? I can hear you. How obsessed you are!~"

His face twisted into a strange expression.. he looked shocked and disgusted at the same time, his face already saying "How dare you?" without him even having to open his mouth. At the sight of it, you couldn't help but burst into laughter.. turning your head back around and continuing to walk as you covered your mouth to limit the noise coming out.

The entire walk back to the room, you kept thinking about the face he made when you rained on his cocky parade.. it was hilarious! Who knew a man so full of himself could ever make such an unpleasant face like that? Talk about surprises..

"We're here! Bye, Y/N! Get good rest!" Your crew said warmly as they waved goodbye and began to walk off alongside Wally's crew. You waved goodbye back to them and smiled, you truly loved your crew. But now that they were gone, you could feel every ounce of irritation coming back to you.. being alone with your rival in what was supposed to be just YOUR room was terrible.

"Don't think just because we're partners im going to be more kind to you. If anything, i'm going to be more strict and rude."

"I wasn't planning on you being more kind to me, Wallace."

"This is just for the win." (Ice skater Wally x Ice skater y/n)Where stories live. Discover now