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hey, im the author.
i go by she/they, i am a black writer.

we keep an open mind to everything here, no kink shaming
and if you have a book idea send it my way and i'll see what i can do
(credit will be given to you).

i don't do face claims to help everyone imagine what they want,
we all have different types.

feel free to give chapter ideas too and i hope you enjoy my books.

a deep sigh leaves my mouth as soon as i shut off the car after pulling into my driveway, i quickly collect my keys and jacket before making my way in the house.

i could already hear little footsteps running up to the door at the sound of my keys, as soon as i open the door my two year old daughter crashes into my legs, i pick her up making her squeal with a big smile.

"mwah" i plant a big kiss on her chubby cheeks, "hello baby girl" i lock the door behind me and take off my shoes with her in my arms before walking further into the house.

i walk into the kitchen to find amir cleaning up the dishes, "leave those, i will do them" i tell her as i take her hand to turn her around and plant a kiss on her cheek.

"thank you" she sighs deeply leaning up to hug me, i hum letting her slip past me to probably get ready for bed before i turn back to my daughter.

"wanna help me wash the dishes?" i ask her making her immediately scream and jump excitedly, "okay now, no need for all of that" i sit her on the counter and remove my button up to leave me in a vest.

i start washing the dishes as she sits beside me blabbering about kids at her school while playing with a spoon and bubbles, "where you good to mommy today?" i ask her after cleaning up and wiping the counters.

"i was good at school too" she nods quickly, she doesn't even go to school, it's a day care but pop off.

"and if i ask mommy what will she say?"

"that i was good" i hum getting a cookie and hand it to her, "you get a cookie for being good" she gives me a toothy smile and opens her hands to take it.

"eat up so we can get ready for bed" i place her on her car as i quickly tidy up her toys and everything around, i then help her get ready for bed which includes a bath and brushing her teeth.

"good night baby" i kiss her head as i tuck her into bed, "goodnight mama" she brings her teddy to her chest, i walk out making sure her night lights are on before shutting the door and make my way to my room with a deep sigh.

"hey" i find amir moisturizing on the bed, "how was work?" she asks as she slips on underwear, i silently remove my clothes getting ready to shower all the sweat off.

"so tiring and long" i throw my clothes with the dirty clothes, "wait up for me, i'm gonna be quick" she nods softly getting into bed as i quickly go shower so i can lay down with her.

although me and amir are not dating or married, we still live together. we dated for a few months before she broke things off, she just doesn't trust me.

i remember when we dated, she went through my phone and all type of things but i didn't mind, whatever gave her peace of mind i would do in a heartbeat and then she fell pregnant and wanted to keep the baby.

she moved in with me but three months into the pregnancy, she broke things off because of her trust issues. me coming in late at night from work, it all put a lot of stress on her and she didn't want to risk losing the baby.

me owning a strip club is her deepest issue with it all but she's not not going to make me close it down, rather she removes herself.

lord know how much i love her but i don't want to give her that kind of stress, she deserves to feel content in a relationship and secure but how can she get that when she doesn't trust me.

she means a lot to me and she knows that, she's the mother of my first child so of course she will always be somewhere in my heart.

after my shower, i quickly moisturized and brushed my teeth before switching off the lights and getting in bed with her, i shift closer and pull her into my arms.

having her in my arms alone made me lose all tension i built up from the long day i've had, finally relaxing my muscles when she acrylics run up and down the back of my neck.

"how was your day? i haven't asked you" i ask her as i squeeze my arms around her, "it was okay, your daughter seems to get more energetic by day though, she's wearing me out" i chuckle and nod in agreement.

i spend mornings with nala before i take her to day care when i have to go to work and amir picks her up after work, "i know, was she good though?" i ask her lifting my head off her chest to look at her.

"she was" i nod laying my head down, "i've had the longest day, had to get someone to take over because the club is still parked, a long line outside" i tell her.

i do have a close friend that works for me, i work from opening times of the club till 8pm, just so that i don't miss nala's bedtime and he takes over from then to closing times at 6am.

"did you eat your food? your plate is in the microwave" amir speaks softly as she takes down my locs to massage my scalp.

"no, i will probably eat tomorrow, im too tired to do anything right now" i could feel myself falling asleep, amir says something that i fail to catch before falling asleep.

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