The Luck of a Single Man

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Well, to be fair, John was happy on how it turned out the "first" date with Missy. She was definitely a special, unique woman, and she has a halo around her that provokes a small shiver to run down his spine and ask himself what is so attractive of her. Apart from the obvious beauty.

Of course John was nervous of letting another woman into his heart, it wasn't easy and even if it's been around 7 years of Melody's death, it feels like an eternity. Also, on that point, how would Amelia take it? How would the Ponds take it?. Amelia could have a word over his life, after all, as his daughter, his decisions had an effect on her life, but she was a young pretty adult now and she could take care of herself. And at the end, it was his life and he had all the power to make a change on it. Even if it meant getting in trouble.

Trouble. Exactly. That was the word to explain what he felt for Missy. Trouble in his heart and mind, for the memory of a dead wife that would never come back, the trouble it meant to divide his life between a new woman and his daughter, and the trouble of having to start over again. Telling small details of his person, like favourite movie, favourite colour and maybe even his favourite brand of wine. Not that he drank a lot of acohol, but from time to time it was a good idea to keep a bottle near him. Anyway, Trouble.

But with Missy, at the same time he felt as if there was no need of saying all of this stuff, it was as if she could read him completely, and if he was honest with himself, that was exactly what he wanted. He wanted a mature woman to understand him, to be his equal and companion, not only a meaningless night of loneliness.

And in the other hand there was the mystery in her icy blue eyes, bright, hypnotising eyes that held a secret, and he, as the always curious man he was, wanted to know it all, he wanted to know what bothered Missy Saxon, what kind of thing was she hiding?, if it was a bad thing, a sad thing? Maybe a difficult past.

But right now he had better things to ocupy his mind, like the memories of the night before, and how it was a good start, he had found ways of making her laugh almost every second and it was a good signal (at least for him) that she liked him. They talked about (exactly) that kind of stuff that you usually don't talk about in your first date. Past relationships. Past scars in life, The loss of their parents. How they were as kids and what kind of expectations they had now in life, past the childish thoughts of being millionaire. It felt natural, like two good friends that hadn't seen each other in a long time. Except that he didn't want their interaction to end up as friendship.

If he was being honest with himself, he was absolutely confident actually, that he could seduce Missy tonight on their second date and bring her back home. But he wasn't that kind of man. He wanted to get to know her better, he wanted to do with her all that kind of ridiculous things young couples do. He wasn't that old, mind you, but as the months passed, he felt the weight on his back heavier. And when she said her age, the difference for barely a few years (not more than ten, thank god) the gap didn't feel so big.

Smoothering his blue shirt (not in the same colour as her eyes, definitely no) and tight black trousers, he went back to "Twelve Cups" at 10:30 p.m. to wait for her.

He was a gentleman, but Missy didn't want to be picked up so he respected her wishes. After all maybe she didn't want him to know where she lives until she's assured he is not a murderer. Maybe the only thing he likes to murder is that horrible smell of monday mornings and bills to pay.

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