Boring things happen to boring people.

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Missy Saxon was starting to hate tea.

She was Scottish yes, and she had all the rights to complain on things and now she was complaining on tea. But she needed something stronger to drink at this point of her life. And she won't like to be drunk forever so coffee was the second best option. Quitting her job and running away was the third option to make a change in her life.

With that being said, she decided to try new types of the beverage than the boring black sugarless coffee everyone asked for in the meetings at work. Boring people with boring black and navy blue suits. She noticed that sometimes the men she went on dates with asked for that kind of coffee too. And those men were boring, with dull conversations and creepy hobbies and even creppier houses. Damn.

Boring was the word. Her life got boring with a silly job and her old dog she loved and horrible aunts that always asked where was the new boyfriend. "Long way from here enjoying a mexican beach I suppose" that's what she always wanted to reply. She may do it though. Not today. But one day. In the next family meeting.

It was five p.m. when she could finally say goodbye to her only work friend Seb. Quite naive and young boy, she felt it was her duty to make him strong, he was a gentle lamb that could be eaten by the wolves.

Tonight, she would do something else than go home and when she pulled out the parking lot of her work building she drove to one of the most quiet streets she knew of the city.

Even though it was still early something inside her was nervous. Like those famous butterflies in the stomach. It's been so long since Missy Saxon felt them. But no, these aren't butterflies. But something else is twisting inside her.

And it's not like she deprived herself from them, is just that she hadn't found a man to make her feel them in a long time.
She wanted a man that could make her feel like she was on fire and he was the only one capable of extinguish it or....well...burn with her. Yeah, that would be better. A man like her that wouldn't mind to burn and destroy everything on its path. That sounds even better.

She pulled on the street of her destination and got out the car, locking it and deciding to explore the place walking. It was jut a few metters away when she found the right thing.

"Twelve Cups" was written above the door of the small coffee shop in front of her, looking inviting and having low moviment. It looked inviting, mysterious and exciting at the same time. Jazz music echoing through the windows, she decided to get inside and she was greet by the smell of fresh chocolate mixing with strawberries and faintly red wine. A few tables scattered through the space and stairs on the left corner leading to a second floor, the walls were adorned to look like wood but also had hanging paintings of space and watch engines. To her right was the center of the place, big machines working and making sound and a small exhibitor of cakes and cookies, a stand beside with bottled water and at the other side, next to the water there was a bookshelf full of classic novels and some titles she didn't recognize.

She walked back to make her order and a young brunette with a British accent smiled at her.
-"Hello! May i take your order? We have a good deal today!". The girl pointed above her head to a blackboard were was written "Buy the beverage of the month and free a bag of cookies".

Missy nodded and smiled politely and quite excited.
-"Good, i take the deal, since it's my first time here and i don't know what to order"

The girl's eyes opened wide " it posible?" Missy thought when she spoke again.

-"Your first time here? Then we have something for you...wait here!...Doctor! We have a new one!"

The chick ran to the insides of the shop and came back pulling by the arm a long legged (sexy) man with fluffy short silver hair and thick eyebrows.

-"Hello, my name is John Smith and welcome to the Twelve cups".

Great, a scottish man with boring name. Do you really think Scotland is boring?.

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