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                                                                  CHAPTER SEVEN: CAN I?


This is Rachel's first POV and might be the only one. I am just trying to give an insight on how Rachel felt about what was happening and also a day into her life. If it goes well and you guys love it, I might make provisions for more of her point of view. No promises. Lol. Keep reading.

I woke up with Al's arm wrapped around my waist strongly. I could hear her snoring gently which means she was still asleep. I gently turned my body to face her. She looked so peaceful and cute while sleeping. A strand of stray hair was over her face giving her the sexy morning look. I was happy. I didn't know if this was love but it sure felt like it. Could it be? I wasn't ready to be in another relationship so soon. And I didn't know if Al felt the same way I was feeling. I see the way she looks at me, the way she smiles at me, the way she blushes when I make little innocent gestures.... Fuck it, my ex was the same. All cute and cuddly till I found out she was sleeping with my best friend on my freaking bed, in my freaking house. I vowed never to date a stud again but here I was, barely four months of my breakup, falling in love with another stud. Was I desperate? Of course not. Last three months after my night with Al, I was so scared that I ran. She made me feel things I wasn't ready to be feeling just yet. I tried to stay far away from her as possible but my mind still yearned for her, my body wanted her touch. When I saw her at that café, I was happy and at the same time, fuck the damned universe. Last night wasn't in my books but now the selfish part of me didn't want to leave. I wanted this. But I don't want to get hurt again.

My alarm tore me out of my thoughts. Shit. I had to get to work. I gently tried to lift her arm but she pulled me closer. Fuck it, I will stay another 5minutes. I snuggled closer to the crook of her neck inhaling her scent. It was a musky mix of gentle lavender and sweat. Intoxicating. Her body felt so warm and her arms around me, comforting, made me feel safe. I shut my eyes and drifted back to sleep.


I opened my eyes again to the shrill ringing of my phone. Al was no longer in bed with me. I rubbed my eyes to adjust it to the brightness of the room. I picked up my phone and Mike was displayed on the caller ID.

"Hey Mike" I said into the phone as I answered

"Jesus Rachel, I was beginning to think you've been kidnapped"

"Good morning Mike, and I haven't been kidnapped"

"If you haven't been kidnapped, where the hell are you? You were supposed to be here two hours ago to go through our pitch, the investors will be here in the next thirty minutes"

"shit! Mike, I need your help. I need you to come....."

"I can drop you off" said Al appearing from the door way. She was already dressed in joggers, with two cups of hot liquid I guess was coffee in hand and a warm smile on her face.

"Ummm...never mind Mike, see you in ten minutes" I said before ending the call and setting the phone down.

"Good morning" Al said coming into the room fully now.

"Good morning" I replied yawning and stretching.

"Here's your coffee" she said handing me a cup. I drank from the cup feeling the hot brew relieve my aching nerves leaving me fully awake.

"Thanks" I replied

"Sleep well?" Al asked sitting beside me on the bed. Her hazel eyes bore into mine and all I could see in there was concern and love, not deceit. Was I ready to give love a chance again? I don't know.

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