Chapter 2: Welcome to the Jungle

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Intro begins

It's a quiet morning in an unknown forest as a lone Beowolf is just minding its own business. Suddenly, it starts to hear music as it raises its head, trying to figure out where the source was coming from. The Beowolf turns around and sees a lone LATV4 come out of nowhere. the MG guns the Beowolf down instantly, its body during to dust as the vehicle goes right past it.

The screen then goes closer to the LAT, the camera introducing each of its occupants one at a time. Halo is shown first, holding on to the vehicle for dear life as the car swerves left and right. The screen then cuts to Seeker, who was the one who gunned down the Beowolf. He tries to yell something to the driver, but the car hits a bump and he falls to the ground. The camera finally shows the driver. Gremlin. Obviously enjoying himself as one of his arms is in the air while his other is on the wheel. Ignoring his comrade's pleas to slow down as he drives off a cliff. The camera backs up as it gets an undershot of the vehicle floating in the air for a while before it starts to fall on top of the camera.

The screen transitions to Team RWBY fighting a group of Grimm, they're about to get overrun when the LAT lands in front of them, the MG cutting the Grimm like a sharp blade to grass as the soldiers get out and start to fire at the threat. Team RWBY joins them as they push the creatures back. The screen then shows both the soldiers and Team RWBY aiming at it as they fire at the same time, various bullet holes and cracks litter the screen as it goes black

The screen shows General Ironwood, Professor Ozpin, and other important members of the other kingdoms looking at a picture of an F-35. Discussing the mysterious logo on it, and the flag on its side. They're talking about where the aircraft came from, if it's an enemy or ally, and what the hell USAF meant.

The camera then transitions to a group of American soldiers fighting some Grimm in a desert environment in front of some sort of portal, pushing them back until the Grimm fall back into the portal. It then cuts to a few days later, an American and No-Pat task force goes into the portal as they prepare for what they find on the other side.

The screen then finally shows Halo, Seeker, Gremlin, and Team RWBY on top of a pile of rubble, damaged buildings surround them as they face a large horde of Grimm in front of them. As they stand their ground, Little birds start to appear in the skies above them. M1A5s, M5C Boltes, and American and No-Pat troops join the fight as they aim their weapons at the horde of Grimm. The lead one, a combination of half horse and half man, lets out a large roar as the horde charges at the humans. The soldiers hold their ground, the camera gets closer to them. Halo, aiming his P90, Gremlin, holding his RPG, and Seeker, who's looking down the scope of his sniper rifle. The camera gets close in front of their barrels, they pull their triggers as the fire engulfs the entire screen. The screen goes black as it displays.

"Battlefield 2042: The Soldiers of Remnant"


1 hour later


May 17th, 2044 | Emerald Forest, Vale 


Seeker: "We're lost. Aren't we American?"

Seeker said as he sat on a rock, checking the ammo of his ADS before placing the magazine back into the rifle. 

Gremlin: "Yeah... We went past the same tree 3 times Halo. Heck, you might have a worse sense of direction than I do. Didn't think that was possible until we decided to follow you."

He said, chuckling at the thought that he had finally found someone worse with directions compared to him. But their comments didn't faze Halo, who was on top of a large rock formation looking around. His eyes were glued through his binoculars, trying to figure out their next course of action.

Battlefield 2042: The Soldiers of Remnant | Battlefield 2042 x RWBYOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant