"Booo" He rolls his eyes playfully before messing up my hair and saying goodbye to the worker

Once he's gone he turns to me, "How's Leclerc?"

"He's definitely being him" I scoff thinking about our interaction earlier

"What happened now?"

Should I tell him about the pr stunt? I'm not even sure i'm allowed to, especially since he's a Red Bull driver and if he accidentally tells someone, the FIA wouldn't be very pleased, "Nothing, I just made the mistake of riding with him today"

"You still never told me what happened between you"

"We've hated each other since line 2018, that's all you need to know" I shrug trying to downplay the entire thing, I was to hurt and embarrassed to ever tell anyone, there isn't a single person that knows what happened between Leclerc and I and I plan for it to stay that way.

We continued to talk until qualifying was about to start, making it back to my garage I find the brunette sitting with his arms crossed staring directly at the car with the number 9 on it

"Calm down you're bursting with excitement, it's just qualifying" he snaps out of his staring contest with my car before looking up at me

"Could you leave me alone for two seconds or will you go crazy if you don't talk to me?"

"Are you staring at my car to try and sabotage me? Wouldn't be surprised cause you're not winning any other way"

Fred- "You act like toddlers, both of you, get in the damn cars before I loose my mind"

I sarcastically salute at him while rolling my eyes, I love Fred but got does he make that hard after the meeting we had

Eloise- "Don't you dare say one bad thing about him with that mic on, you understand?"

"What am I gonna get put in timeout?"

She doesn't answer, pushing me in the direction of the car I take the hint and get in

Once they tell me I can go I start warming up my tires to prepare for a flying lap

Once i'm allowed to go I begin the lap, pushing myself at every corner but it all feels off

"I've got no pace"

"Copy" thanks for the fucking help I mean come on, anything but a one word answer would be nice

"What's my time?" I know it wont be good, I pass the line entirely disappointed with myself, I can do so much better

"1:15.437 that's p9"

"fucking pathetic"

"You're radio is still on Verstappen"

"I know." What's the point in acting like I had a good time when I didn't? Everyone's thinking it might as well reassure them that I agree, the time was in fact pathetic

"Do I have time for another?"

"No, come back in you still made it to Q2, we'll send you back out soon"

I barely made it into Q2

I don't leave my car when I get back in the garage to ensure I don't run into Charles and piss myself off anymore than I already am


"Nice work, you'll be starting P6"

"what's the order?" I don't acknowledge where i'm starting, they know it's not 'nice work' but talking back will only be digging myself further into this hole

"Hamilton, Verstappen, Leclerc, Gasly, Ricciardo, You, Norris, Sainz, Russell, Alonso"

I get out of my car not bothering to talk to anyone before heading to my drivers room slamming the door shut I sit down on the couch

What the hell is my dad gonna think? What the hell is my dad gonna do?

A knock on my door drags me out of my thoughts, before I can answer the person walks in

"Ever heard of patience? I could've been changing" I snap unable to control my annoyance while looking up at the boy

"You never change in your drivers room so don't even, but you have to go do press then we have a dinner"

"I have to go to dinner with you?"

"Don't act to excited" I roll my eyes before getting up from the couch and pushing him out of my room

I have to go to a dinner with him? Already?

We have nothing in common other than the fact we drive for Ferrari and we hate each other.

The last thing I want to do the night before a race is spend time with him

Words: 1303

I genuinely suck at updating this story i've been so busy with my tournaments and my other story so I apologize i'll try and get the next one out whenever I can :)

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