Demon Slayer: The Sun and the Moon

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A/n: Yes my character has moon breathing like Kokushibo but he does NOT have and will not have a Blood Demon art. And I haven't seen all of demon slayer so please have mercy upon me if I break the rules of this universe or put an object that shouldn't be somewhere.

It was a horrific sight, seeing my parents killed in cold blood by a demon. I couldn't believe my eyes as it mercilessly attacked them with his deadly sword, leaving them lifeless on the ground. The pain and anger I felt were indescribable as I watched my world crumble before my very eyes.

 But as I stood there, trembling with rage and sorrow, I noticed something strange about the demon's movements. It had a sword, and its breathing was rhythmic and controlled, just like the demon slayers I had heard about in stories. It was as if he had mastered their secret techniques and incorporated them into his own fighting style. 

The demon then shouted, "First Form: Dark Moon, Evening Palace!" 

And then it drew its katana and performed a singular horizontal slash following a crescent shape, creating numerous chaotic crescent blades along the blade's path, which killed several more people I knew before resheathing the blade in its scabbard.

It then said to itself, "That was too easy. All of the slayers in this generation I've met are not even close to a real challenge." 

Just then, a figure appeared in the distance—a demon slayer. The demon's eyes lit up with excitement as it prepared to face its opponent. The two engaged in an intense battle, their swords clashing against each other with reverberating metallic sounds. 

Despite the demon slayer's impressive skills, they were no match for the demon's mastery of the sword and combat techniques. The demon easily defeated the demon slayer. It then said, "I wasn't expecting that, but you are still not a worthy enough warrior for me to give you any kind of mercy." It then beheaded the slayer and walked away.

As I watched the demon effortlessly defeat the skilled slayer, I couldn't help but think about how the people I had cared for died from collateral damage. Their deaths were not as dramatic as this battle, but they were just as final. The demon's words rang in my head. In that moment, I made a vow to myself to train harder and become better than the demon. 

But how? I then remembered an ancient archive in the center of my village. I knew that the archive contained knowledge about powerful warriors who had defeated demons in the past. I decided to grab the fallen slayer's sword, go to the archives, and learn everything I could. 

I searched around until I found an extremely old scroll detailing some of the history of something called breathing styles and how they were created. "By concentrating their breathing, slayers are able to improve their physical abilities and even unleash devastating attacks. Interesting." Then I read that each style evolved from the sun's breathing pattern and that each style was based on actual natural forces.

A/N: Before you ask, Plot Convenience.

A few hours later

After I closed the scroll, I said to myself, "I don't know anyone who can teach me in one of these styles, so I guess I'll do it on my own." I then went outside, looking for inspiration, and when I saw the moon, I knew learning its style would be the perfect form of revenge.

One year later...

"First Form: Light Moon, Evening Palace!" I then drew my katana and performed two singular horizontal slashes following a crescent x shape, which created a few uniformed crescent blades along my blade's path, which cut a nearby tree into pieces. I smiled to myself, knowing that I had mastered enough of my forms and was ready to move on to battle harder targets. 

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