Super Mario Bros. Plumbing Services and the first job!

Começar do início

Luigi: *Brings out his phone* As a matter of fact, Spike, we have.

Mario: Wow, really?

Damien Kong: *Fist bump in the air* Yes!

Luigi: Uh, yeah. Our mom called and she said, "Oh, boys! That's the best commercial I've ever seen!" And I said, "Thank you very much, Mother. We're very proud of it." So boom! *Drops his phone on the floor causing his screen to be cracked while Mario tip his hat down and Damien Kong facepalm himself*

Spike: ...HAHAHAHAHA! *Wipes his face with a napkin* Ahh. Good luck running a business with this idiot.

Spike throws the napkin at Luigi, but Mario catches it quickly.

Mario: Say that again about my brother, and you're gonna regret it. *Throws the napkin at Spike*

Spike: *Gets up from his seat, towering Mario* Oh yeah? *Grabs Mario by the overalls* Get this through your tiny brain, Mario. You're a joke. And you always will be.

Just as Spike was about to push Mario down on the floor, Damein Kong stands up and grabs Spike by his shirt and look at him with a serious look.

Damein Kong: You mess with my bros; you mess with me! *Drops him on the floor* Unless you want a beating like last time you mess with me, Spike.

Spike: *Gets up and grunts as he puts his money on the table to pay for the food and walks out* You'll regret this, Monkey Boy!

Damien Kong: I count on that.

As Spike leaves the Pizzaria, Damien Kong helps Mario to get up.

Damien Kong: You, okay?

Mario: Yeah, thanks.

Damien Kong: Same old' Spike. All bark, but no bite.

Luigi: Are you insane, Mario? He's three times your size!

Mario: Luigi, come on. Y'know, you can't be scared all the time.

Damien Kong: He's right, bro. You gotta learn to stick up for yourself instead of letting guys, like Spike, treat you and Mario like that.

Luigi: Mm, you'd be surprised.

Just then, Luigi's cracked phone begins to ring, Luigi picks it up off the floor and answers.

Luigi: Hello, Super Mario Brothers. Uh-huh? A drip in your faucet? That's great! *Look at Mario and Damien Kong as they shake their heads for a disagreement* I mean, that's...that's great you called us because we can be there, and we can fix it right away. Okay. *Ends the call* Mario! DK! We got one!

Damien Kong: Are you serious?!

The Mario Brothers and Damien Kong hug each other and jump around.

Damien Kong: Let's goooo!!

Luigi: The Super Mario Brothers are in business!

Mario: Woo-hoo!

The Mario Bros and Damien Kong went onto their van to start but it failed and didn't work.

Damien Kong: Aw, come on!

Luigi: Oh, no! We're gonna be late!

Mario: No, we're not. *Gets out of the van and run on foot* Come on, let's go!

Damien Kong: Right behind you!

Luigi: Hey! *Gets out of the van and follow Damien and Mario* Wait up!

Mario, Luigi and Damien Kongs stars running through the neighborhood, through the crowd and a bunch of obstacles along the way. Mario and Damien Kong were pretty good at parkour, but Luigi wasn't. Luckily, Damien carries Luigi since he was getting tired. After a few minutes, they have made it to their caller's home which was a rich apartment building.

The Super Mario Bros. MovieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora