"Take Edmund, send him to join my men at Thelwael. Take Osbert too. If they should die defending my lands, then so be it." He now turned to Sigyn and Eadgifu who was already shouting about her son being taken from her. How the late great King Alfred wouldn't wish for his ancestor to die such a common and pointless death. "I do believe the Queen will do well in a nunnery. And you." He stepped closer to Sigyn, not hesitating or holding back as he pulled his right hand back and was quick to strike her. Blood dripping from her lip as she spat the rest on the sand beside Ingilmundr. Sihtric already trying to fight against the soldiers grip as if to defend her honour.

"You will not beat me into submission, believe me. Many have tried. Everyone fails." She wiped her bottom lip against the back of her palm, the blood no longer causing a crimson stain on her pale skin, and she turned to give Sihtric a small smile. A silent goodbye if this stranger decided to take her life for embarrassing him in front of his men.

"I will do something better. Men, take the prisoners. Bebbanburg is now under rule of King Aethelstan." Before she could protest, he had hit her once more, this time the ring on his fingers causing a large nick against her already scarred cheek. She unsheathed her sword, ready to strike him down in front of the Gods but before she could, the tip of a sword was pressed against her lower back. When she didn't drop the sword at first, the blade lightly pierced her flesh. Blood dripping from the small cut as she watched from her knees as her husband and loyal friends were escorted from the gates. She never believed Aethelstan capable of ordering the people he cared for to be killed but since the news of Aldhelm, she was assuming the worst.

When Sihtric and Finan returned hours later, Sigyn was already bandaged, and her wounds cleaned by Ingrid who was quickly becoming one of her most liked friends

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When Sihtric and Finan returned hours later, Sigyn was already bandaged, and her wounds cleaned by Ingrid who was quickly becoming one of her most liked friends. Sihtric rushed over to inspect his wife, his index finger gently turning her face to look at him. The small cut on her lip and cheek already looking better than when he saw her earlier.

"Where is Uhtred? Please tell me Aethelstan didn't order his execution." Sigyn whispered, moving to stand in front of her husband. His face full of worry, she gently caressed his cheek as Ingrid was already consoling Finan.

"Banished. Forced to wander these lands until he starves or freezes to death. Anyone who helps him will be put to death." Sihtric whispered his reply, the thought of his friend going through this was killing him. She could see it on his face.

"What would make the boy so cruel?" Finan asked as he nestled into Ingrid's side. Her warmth always bringing him comfort when he needed it the most.

"He is blinded, by Ingilmundr. He has confused the King." Sigyn shared a look with her husband, they both knew the truth. That Aethelstan had fallen in love with Ingilmundr and was being played for a fool. But neither one would reveal the truth. It wasn't their truth to tell.

"Let us sacrifice to the Gods. Pray for Uhtred. Pray that he somehow survives this." Ingrid spoke now and they all agreed. Tonight, they would sacrifice a goat, make an offering to the Gods as they prayed for their friend and his survival.

Bloody Revenge | Sigyn x Sihtric Kjartansson | The Last KingdomWhere stories live. Discover now