3. dating niklaus mikaelson headcanons

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niklaus mikaelson x human!female!reader –

。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆

Klaus had noticed your arrival in New Orleans straight away, after all, it was his city, and he was the King of it, or so he liked to think.

Something about your piercing eyes which were always filled with curiosity and wonder as you wandered the city full of supernaturals, had caught his attention.

The city could get windy at times and he loved watching as you made your way through the French Quarter, your shiny locks swinging in the wind.

Klaus had thought he had been very stealthy, however, he was not.

You'd always find him not too far from you, lurking in the shadows, it really should've creeped you out that some hybrid had been following you albeit it was the opposite.

You found it comforting in a way, knowing someone was always looking out for you.

Elijah, knew you were Klaus's current infatuation, so after a few months of suffering and having to watch Niklaus practically stalk you, he had decided he would introduce himself to you, seeing as he'd seen you around as well.

You thought it was by chance that you'd run into the Elijah Mikaelson, however, it was not. Elijah had figured out your routine and purposely ran into you on your daily stop at the cafe you had been working at.

Elijah hurriedly walked into the cafe after you had been in there for 10 minutes, as he had seen you talking to your coworkers. You had accidentally spilled your coffee all over his crisp suit, your face besmirched with nothing other than horror.

Your mouth had been agape, before you had finally shaken out of your daze, "Oh my god, I am so sorry! I swear you came out of nowhere, here, let me help you." You quickly rambled.

"Don't worry about it, I didn't much care for this suit anyways," He assured you, as you frantically patted napkins against the material of the suit in an attempt to dry it.

He placed his hand against yours to stop you, "It's quite alright..." He said, waiting for you to fill in your name for him.

"Y/n, you're the infamous Elijah Mikaelson," You responded.

"Indeed, I am, Y/n." He said, a charming smile on his face.

"You Mikaelsons are awfully famous around here... huh,"

"Yes, our family has some history in New Orleans, we practically built the city,"

"Wow, here, let me buy you a coffee or something to make up for your destroyed suit, although I'm sure it costs much more than a 5-dollar coffee," You laughed.

"Well, I'll gladly take the coffee,"

The both of you had settled into a conversation, as you strolled about the Quarter.

Elijah had been telling you all about the supernatural history of New Orleans, seeing as you had told him you knew about vampires, wolves, and witches, including how you knew he and his family were the Originals.

You had gestured to your vervain ring, as you had explained your numerous encounters with various supernatural beings.

You had even gotten talking about hobbies, and how you quite enjoyed writing, which had prompted a proposal from Elijiah, "It's quite interesting that you mention that, my brother Niklaus is in desperate need of an editor or typist, he's got a few things in the works, I'm sure he'd love your assistance."

"Oh, I'm not sure I'd be much help,"

"I assure you he'd deeply appreciate it, and I'm sure you're quite the novelist yourself," He sang your praises, and you gave in.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2023 ⏰

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