Chapter 18: Company & Reports

Start from the beginning

I offer Cody a smile and lift his hand to kiss the back of it before lowering it and letting go. "No matter what you learn today, I want you to know that my feelings won't change, and I'll be here for you whenever you're ready. Whenever you need me, I'll be there." I hold his gaze, his hazel eyes mesmerizing and captivating, the moment deepening until we're only inches apart.

Understanding that this isn't the time or the way I want to do things, I look away, breaking the spell, clearing my throat as Cody takes a step back.

"Thank you. That means a lot." He tells me and I can tell me means it. There's a lot of things that go unspoken by me, but I hold myself back for Cody's sake, always wanting him to be comfortable and feel safe. "Will you.... will you be at the pack house later?" He asks me, his tinted cheeks giving away what he's really asking.

"Yes." I'll wait for you. "I'll still be there." I assure him with a smile and I watch as his shoulders relax, and for the briefest second it's as if I can feel Jessie there with us, thanking me.

With my own ears pink and suddenly feeling like it's time to go, I tell Cody goodbye and watch as he heads into the hospital before I turn around and head back Vollmond, using my super speed to cut the time in forth, getting back to the packhouse in ten minutes.

'Don't think I missed the way you got all flustered at the thought of Jessie.So much so that you ran away like a chicken.' Sloan snickers and I mentally curse, hating that I can't avoid my wolf the way I can everyone else.

'I'm not a chicken and I didn't run away. Besides, Jessie...." I think back towards yesterday, the way Cody's persona changed entirely, reminding me of Sloan and myself, affirming our destiny for one another. I think about the way he called me beautiful, and that awe filled but possessive look that gleamed in his eyes when he looked over me on his knees. I feel my body burst into flames, heat traveling over my body at the memory of his eyes taking me in. The way he already seemed to convinced and accepting of our Mating.

It makes my head spin and my heart pound.

'And your cock hard.' Sloan teases in a singsong voice and I groan in part embarrassment part in awe, relishing the peace and happiness that seems to settle over me when it comes to Cody and Jessie. And the hope that maybe I will get the fantasy ever after Sloan always dreamed of. Maybe it's not so far fetched after all.

It's on this high that I enter the pack house, families and warriors alike enjoying the packhouse on the day of rest, a required unofficial holiday for those of us in Vollmond.

So it surprises me when I come up the stairs and find Titan Timari and Johnathan, my most skilled and high ranking warriors reporting into Zee's office.
I remember the conversation from yesterday and frown, not expecting good news if they're back already, especially since they had until tomorrow to make a report. I kick up my speed a little to launch me down the hallway and step into Zee's office as the Warriors sit down, Alex and Zee behind her desk. Alex looks up at the same moment I feel his mental link trying to connect his mind link with my own. He nods in acknowledgment when he sees me before turning back towards the Warriors as I go to close the door behind us.

Every few years, the Alpha of each pack gets a high ranking Witch to come into our Pack House and put up wards and noise barriers so that we can't be put under attack and important information can't be stolen without being present at said meeting which helps with limiting suspects in information leaks.

Once secure, I walk over towards the side of Zee's desk and sit on the edge, turning my attention towards the three most skilled warriors in our ranks.

"Alpha James, Beta Alex and Elder Zee gave us our mission to gather intel from around the pack and bordering areas to see if there's been any suspicious activity. I know we had another day to report in, but the information we've gathered is too disturbing to hold off." Timari starts, her unusual small stature for a wolf does nothing to limit her strength, one of the strongest and most skilled fighters of her year, ranking number two in Commanders. Titan speaks up next, my pit of worry growing bigger by the second as they share their findings.

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