The Lies You Told

Start from the beginning

At the time, he didn't notice the way that Wilbur's eyes had brightened at the name, tearing up ever so slightly despite the numerous times Tommy had taken to calling him by the title. Looking back, he would soon realize how that fond look was replaced by guilt, eyes darting to look at anything but his son's face.

"Okay, Toms. Whatever you say," his Dad sighed, tugging him along further down the road until they pulled near a bright cafe, decorated with shades of blue, red, and black labeled "BBH & Skeppy's Sweets." But, rather than going inside as the other patrons were, they stopped at the closest alleyway, ducking into the dimly lit street and away from passersby.

Tommy unconsciously gripped his father's hand, Wilbur running his thumbs over his knuckles to soothe the growing anxiety filling his chest.

In front of them, the alleyway was empty aside from a full dumpster and a single, large cardboard box, covered in a layer of grime and knicks from sharp rocks and scrapping along the rough concrete. It was laid on its side so that the front was open but unviewable from anyone in the streets, just big enough to fit a small person inside.

Tommy's hand was gently dropped as Wilbur crept forward, making sure to keep his footsteps loud and noticeable before he crouched down in front of the open box, a soft smile visible on his face despite the shadows that shrouded his figure.

"Hello again, Tallulah," he whispered to the crouching figure hidden inside the cardboard.

A long few seconds passed before Tommy saw movement.

A girl, no older than eight, crawled partly out of her hiding spot to peer up at Wilbur, biting the inside of her cheek. Matted brown curls were pressed to her face, falling just past her chin as she tilted her head. A once-clean yellow sweater now adorned two holes along the arms and her jeans were covered in stains and tears. A small red ribbon was tied around her wrist, clean despite the smudges of mud covering her cheeks and neck.

"Hi there," Wilbur gently repeated as she slowly emerged, grimacing at the sight of the dark drags beneath her weary eyes. He shifted onto his knees to reach back into his bag, but Tallulah immediately pressed back into the box.

Wilbur held out his hand cautiously, the girl falling still.

"It's okay," he assured, hand slowly moving to dig through his bag once again while his gaze was still locked on Tallulah's brown eyes. "I'm not going to hurt you, okay? I have a gift, just like last time."

The girl gave him a confused look but nodded, trusting him at least somewhat from their previous encounters. She scooted halfway out onto the concrete. Tommy could just barely make out the waves of her hair and grime that covered her clothes, though he made sure to stay farther away as to not startle her.

After a few seconds of picking through his satchel, Wilbur retrieved a knitted red beanie. Tallulah examined it with interest, holding out an expecting hand.

Wilbur gently placed it onto her open palm, a smile blooming on his face as she examined the soft yarn and immediately moved to press it close to her chest, small hands bunching up into the bright hat as if they could squeeze out the warmth it offered.

Wilbur laughed, gently reaching forward to rest a hand on her arm. "No, darling. It goes on your head, like that sombrero that you found."

Tallulah wrinkled her nose, giving him a disbelieving expression. But at Wilbur's unchanging expression, only a welcoming amusement in his face, she obliged, opening up the red fabric and tugging it roughly over her dirtied hair before looking at him in a silent question.

"Here," the man whispered fondly, moving forward to gently tuck up the edges of the beanie so that it didn't cover her forehead, brushing back a stray strand and barely resisting the urge to pull the child into a hug. "See? Now you have a hat to keep your head warm. And I can bring you a new sweater next week, if you'd like."

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