Arthit: Wait listen up, you will also have to announce that half of the shares of Parama Groups will be gifted to me as a part of your apology

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Arthit: Wait listen up, you will also have to announce that half of the shares of Parama Groups will be gifted to me as a part of your apology. Otherwise, let her stay with me, I'll keep her happy. (*Runs his finger on Gorya's cheek)
(*Thyme gets wild, he curses Arthit and aggressively jerks his body to break the ropes)
Arthit: Those ropes aren't gonna break so easily. Okay, let's do one thing. I will give you some time, you discuss with your beloved and let me know your decision, okay?
(*He glances at the cartons and then walks away, closes the door)
Thyme: I'm sorry, Gorya! You're stuck here only because of me.
Gorya: Whatever it is, Thyme, you won't apologize. I will not let you apologize to a man who doesn't know how to respect a woman. It was his mistake, he doesn't deserve an apology but a severe punishment.
(*Hazel quickly appears  from behind the cartons and runs to help Thyme and Gorya. She tries to untie the ropes as Thyme and Gorya look at her.)
Thyme: (*surprised) What are you doing here?
Gorya: Did you follow us all the way?
(*Hazel nods nervously, her hands still trying to loosen the knots)
(*Thyme feels guilty for having mistreated her)
Thyme: Why did you come? Don't you know this can be dangerous? (*Hazel looks at Thyme, her eyes filled with tears)
(*She picks a rusty sharp tool that was lying on the floor and makes efforts to cut down the ropes)
(*Thyme and Gorya look at each other and then at Hazel, the woman whom they spoke ill of, who is no one to them but still is making efforts, risking her own life to save them)
Scene 4:
Ren stops the car near the godown. His phone is dead already. He gets down and hastily looks around.
Ren: This was the last location. She must be around here. (*Shouts) Hazel? Thyme? Gorya? Hazel?
Scene 5:
In the godown,
Thyme: Khod tode na Haz....(*They hear footsteps, Hazel quickly runs behind the cartons)
(*Arthit walks in and smirks)
Arthit: (*he sees their ropes) Who was it?
Thyme: Huh?
Arthit: Who was here after me?
Thyme: (*pretending) Who?
Arthit: Come on! You think I'm stupid? I can still smell the perfume, a very familiar scent. Come on, come out! I already saw you. (*He walks around the godown, but his eyes are fixed on the cartons)
(*Hazel crawls to the dark corner, her palms sweaty, her eyes filled with terror)
Arthit: You guys are playing smart! (*Smirks)
(*With one blow, Arthit pushes aside the cartons making Hazel visible. She covers her face.)
Arthit: (*exclaims) Surprise! (*He pulls Hazel out by grabbing her hand) Thyme, I thought you would have sent her to the prison (*laughs) but it seems....
Thyme: Arthit, let her go! She has nothing to do with it. She has already suffered a lot because of you.
Arthit: Come on! Who calls that suffering? She did enjoy. Isn't it, Hazel? (*Smirks and runs his hands down her shoulder as she jerks her body to avoid his touch, he points the gun at her) After all, she is the one who has caused you all the trouble. I guess I should change my mind now. (*looks at Thyme) Let me set you and your girlfriend free. You guys can leave but leave her behind with me. And then you will stay happily ever after, my revenge will also be completed because it wasn't your fault but it was because of her.
Gorya: (*with repulsion) You bastard, I've never met a pervert like you.
Arthit: I'm not angry. (*His grip on Hazel's hands becomes tighter, causing her to groan) I am still willing to forgive you. Let me set you free and in return you'll remain silent. Fine?
Thyme: We aren't leaving, but you'll die in my hands Arthit! (*Curses)
Arthit: Psst! Don't spoil my mood already. I don't have any personal issues with you, all I want is to have her (*pulling Hazel closer)
If you aren't leaving, then fine, you can enjoy the movie here.
Arthit pushes Hazel towards the walls and keeps the gun back in his pocket. Thyme and Gorya angrily shout and curse at him. He pins shivering Hazel against the wall, running his finger from her sweaty forehead down to her neck, and kisses her on the nape of her neck leaving behind a purple mark. Thyme and Gorya howl at him but helplessly look away. Hazel tries to resist but Arthit holds her hands even tighter and pins them over her head with one hand. She closes her eyes as tears flow down her cheeks. As she closes her eyes, she recalls her father calling her strong and then recalls Ren.
She recalls:
Ren: Why are you afraid? I'm there for you. You don't have to worry as long as I'm there for you. My heart beats for you and I shall run to you and protect you at all costs. I will shield you from all the dangers and ward off the evil eyes.
(Hazel clenches her fists and squints her eyes.)

*The End*

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