"What do you mean it's already sold?! To who?!" Eda snapped at the witch behind the counter.

I walked over and saw what piece she was talking about. A ring. The one I reserved.

"I thought you liked older jewelry, Eda." I noted.

She jumped.

"Darius?! When did you get here?! Wait, why are you here? I thought you weren't a fan of any jewelry?" Eda asked.

"I assume the same reason you are." I answered then turned my attention to the witch behind the counter. "I'm here to pick up the piece I reserved."

The witch nodded, took the ring from the case, and went in the back to pack it up.

"I reserved that ring months ago." I noted

"You're the one who bought that?! But it's an engagement ring. Holy shit are you going to ask Alador to marry you?!" Eda asked.

"Yeah. I've been planning to ask Alador for a while now." I admitted.

"But he joined a coven. It's illegal for coven and wild witches to marry." She reminded me.

I removed the sweatband on my wrist to show the abomination coven sigil.

"The coven system is corrupt but I didn't really have a choice." I told her. "I want to marry him. I was gonna propose to him months ago but he joined a coven so I had to figure out if there was a loophole in the law against coven-wild marriage but there isn't so I joined a coven."

"I can't tell if that's romantic or pathetic." She laughed.

I laughed too. Eber barked.

"Eber joined a coven too. The beast keeping coven." I told Eda. "He said if I'm stuck in a coven, he might as well be too."

Eda smiled.

"So, I assume you're here to get an engagement ring for Raine." I noted.

Eda blushed.

"Yeah. I, um, wanted to see what they have!" She said.

"I can help you look. Aside from Eber, Raine's my best friend." I noted, adding the last part so Eber didn't attack me.

Eda nodded.

{A Couple Hours Later}

Eda laughed and twirled around as we walked from the jewelry store.

"We need to plan this out!" She exclaimed, stopping laughing and twirling.

"I already have a plan." I said.

"No, I mean, we need to pick a day and both do it and after we'll meet somewhere. Hell. Maybe we could convince Raine and Alador to do a double wedding. It'd be so cool!" Eda explained as we walked. "Me and Raine. You and Alador. Eber with the rings."

Eber barked that he liked the idea.

"You're thinking way too far ahead." I laughed. "Maybe we could pick a day and meet up after. Maybe a double wedding could be fun but Alador and Raine have to say 'yes' to the proposals first."

"Fine." Eda sighed. "But they love us, they couldn't possibly say 'no'."

I flipped her giant ponytail over her face. She laughed and flipped it back.

"So what's your plan for asking Alador? I need ideas for asking Raine!" Eda asked.

I explained my plan, the sigil reveal, everything.

"That's disgustingly romantic!" She laughed.

I shrugged.

"That's also a lot. Like a lot." She said

Partners In Crime(Dalador/Aladarius)[The Owl House]Where stories live. Discover now