The kits followed her as she padded out of the den. They scuffed their paws on the floor but kept up with her and Jaykit.

           Leafpool set Jaykit down next to Lionkit and Hollykit and told them, "Stay right here." Then she turned and padded over to a large branch that was lying against a tree. She huffed as she grabbed it in her jaws and pulled it towards the den. Finally she released it in front of the den. She then went to go grab other branches to block up the entrance. Finally she finished dragging branches and took a satisfied step back to admire her work.

           "Mom, what are you even doing?" Hollykit asked, looking confused.

           Leafpool look back at her kit and replied casually, "Well I wouldn't want our home to be intruded while we're away. We're coming back Hollykit, don't forget that."

           All the kits seemed happier so Leafpool took the opportunity and grabbed Jaykit again. And whisked her tail to motion for Lionkit and Hollykit to follow. The group padded all the way to the thunderpath where, suddenly all the kits seemed more frighted. Well I guess they watched their father die and almost died themselves here, Leafpool reflected. "Come on Hollykit. You too Lionkit. Get on my back." She mewed and crouched.

           Lionkit scrambled onto her back and nestled in between her shoulders.

           Hollykit seemed more skeptical, but nevertheless she climbed on her mothers back.

           Jaykit squirmed and growled, "Why can't I go on your back?"

           Leafpool rolled her eyes and said," Because there isn't room. Plus, you should be grateful! You haven't even had to walk!"

           "Y'know you can just say it because i'm blind. I already know that's the reason," Jaykit mumbled.

           Leafpool was taken aback but didn't respond. She hated it it, but unfortunately, it was true. Instead she waited until the thunderpath was silent before she hurtled across. She could feel the kits small claws curling into her fur. Finally when they made it to the other side Leafpool slowed down. But she made sure not to stop as she kept walking alongside the twoleg fences. While there was time she needed to get away from the twoleg area with the horrid dog. Finally when Leafpool felt they were far away enough she let Lionkit and Hollykit slip off her back.

           "All right. I'm going to climb over this fence and your going to jump up just like me. And then I'll catch you. Okay? Oh, and Jaykit your staying in my mouth because it'll be quicker," Leafpool said around Jaykits fur.

           Lionkit and Hollykit both nodded while Jaykit grumbled.

           Leafpool turned towards the fence they were standing next. She felt uncomfortable looking away from the thunderpath directly behind her but she did her best to block it out. Finally she crouched down and leapt upwards. Her front paws landed over the fence, on the other side.  She was surprised how thin the fence was. She thought it would be at least as thick as a tree branch. Fortunately, she was jumping onto a corner of the fence, or where a sideways fence combined with a forward facing fence. She hauled the rest of her body up, careful not to scrape Jaykit. She set him down in front of her before turning.

           Leafpool quickly turned and called to her kits, "Okay, one of you jump." She waited, her muscles tense as she watched both her kits in case one jumped.

           Finally Hollykit crouched down and gave a powerful leap.

           Leafpool hung her paw as far below as possible from the fence. She felt Hollykit crash into her paw and quickly pulled her kit up, placing her next to Jaykit who was behind her. She then repeated the process with Lionkit before she flicked her tail, turned around to face her kits, and said sharply to the kits, "Come on. Lets start walking."

           Lionkit gasped in shock and cried, "On this fence!?"

           Leafpool gave a firm nodded and softly nudged her kits forward. The group padded forward on the fence, making turns when Leafpool instructed them to. In all honesty Leafpool had no idea where she was leading her family. She pushed her doubtful thoughts out of her mind. Just as they rounded a corner there was a sharp barking. A tall dog was barking, poking at the top of the fence. The dog was in an alley next to the fence they were walking on.

           Jaykit yelped in terror, and with a stumble, fell of the fence into the alley.

           Leafpool dove after him. She could hear Lionkit and Hollykit plunging after her. But she could also see the dog thrusting itself at Jaykit. She hurriedly dove inbetween the two and slashed her claws across the dogs nose. "Kits, run! Run as fast as you can with me!" Leafpool shrieked. She grabbed Jaykit in her jaws and began to hurtle away.

           She and her two kits on the ground ran as fast as their legs would carry them Leafpool was panting as she and the kits ran. No matter how long they ran the dog was always behind. Leafpool kept doubling back to claw at the dog so it wouldn't catch Lionkit and Hollykit. Terror gripped her heart as she noticed her kits slowing down with exhaustion. She had no idea how many alley they had run through but she knew it must have been too many.

            Suddenly a fluffy yellow she-cat burst out from behind a corner. She gasped to Leafpool, "Follow me if you want to keep you kits safe!" She then darted towards the kits and grabbed Lionkit in her jaws before turning, slashing at the dog who was skidding to halt in confusion, and then shoved Hollykit on her back. The yellow she-cat skirted around the alley corner and pounded over to what looked like a small, abandoned, twoleg nest. She disappeared into the doorway.

           Leafpool raced into the twoleg nest and the she-cat slammed what Leafpool thought looked like a big slab of wood in the entryway, closed.

           "Now that i've shut the door we should be safe. Don't worry I know how to open it again. We're in an abandoned shed by the way. The old twolegs moved away," The yellow she-cat said as she slipped Hollykit of her back and set down Lionkit. Then she turned to Leafpool and sighed, "You're clearly not from here. The name's Bee by the way."

Broken hearts (Leafpool AU)Where stories live. Discover now